part 71

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"No, the best way is by playing rock paper scissors," Heeseung suggested as everyone just nodded.
A few hours ago we arrived back home and now they wanted to decide who to take which room. I was just standing next to them since I was curious who will get the room for himself and who is together with 3 more members. First round was the one for the single room and the winner was Heeseung. Second time they played was for Jake and Jay's room, and the last - the biggest one - was for Sunghoon, Sunoo, Jungwon, and Ni-ki. Sunghoon just sighed as he got into the room with his backpack. And it was pretty funny so here we were, Jake, Jay, and me laughing our asses off.

They didn't even have to do that much so I helped them get their things done in the new rooms and fell asleep really fast.

[A few days later]

"Can we take a picture before we leave? We look stunning." I asked the boys while fixing Heeseungs hair trying hard to not look into his eyes. Why do they always stare? We quickly took a group photo and left for the business dinner.

Lily decided to have an after party after the dinner so I packed an extra silver dress for it since the other one would get uncomfortable.


The business dinner went well. I got to know other staff I haven't met yet and we had a lot of things to talk about.

Currently, I was in the car wearing my silver dress and Jake's suit jacket over that he gave me earlier with the excuse: "It's cold and you're too revealing." So I just wore it.
Arrived at the building I gave back his jacket and wore my heels again. The boys earlier changed into shirts and pants - well most of them.
"We'll go ahead," Heeseung said and took the boys.
I was about to say something 'cause I thought I was left behind alone. I sighed as I took my bag and locked the car. "Ready to go?" Jake suddenly came from the back "What the- why did you flinch?" – "Uh maybe because you dumbass scared the shit out of me?" He giggled at my answer and walked along. "Sorry."

"Hey, the party is on the roof?" I asked Lily over the phone. "Yes take the elevator." She said and hung up.

We got into the elevator and everything looked so fancy. Right, when we entered the building we got greeted by fancy clothed workers there and they were so nice.
"Woah look there is a mirror!" I looked up taking out my phone. Jake was just looking through his phone so he didn't really pay attention to me. But when I said that he looked at me and smiled.
Quickly I took a picture.

"Why are you taking pictures alone?" He asked after I stopped taking pictures. And we were almost at the roof. "Oh, I didn't want to disturb you." – "Bruh." He just said pulled me by my waist.
Wide eyes open I looked at the camera above us. "Are you dumb? There is a camera." – "If I don't look up they'll never know who I am." He whispered and leaned down to my height. A few centimeters were apart from us and my cheeks felt hotter
Please don't be a blushing mess in front of him.
To late. I blushed. Really hard.
He leaned back again and smiled. "You're so cute when you blush. I wish I could kiss you right now." He whispered and sighed.
I hate him. I was still blushing when we arrived at the top floor.

He walked out of the elevator and he looked back at me still processing what just happened. "Stop blushing and come." He giggled and walked away.
After I checked myself in the mirror to make sure I wasn't blushing that much I ran to him carefully and went to the roof.

 After I checked myself in the mirror to make sure I wasn't blushing that much I ran to him carefully and went to the roof

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A/n: I'm gonna expose myself: I didn't know what to write after the taking picture so I just made a y/n and Jake scene

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A/n: I'm gonna expose myself: I didn't know what to write after the taking picture so I just made a y/n and Jake scene. I'm sorry but Jake is just the type of boyfriend who would randomly start kissing you. I'm sorry again.
↳ another thing some ppl might don't want to know


The book is leading to the end 😭 SORRY 😐

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