𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐈𝐬 𝐀 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠

453 21 5

Today was a day like any other, manhattan was a cold place almost always So we had the heater running high all night and I awoke in some pajama pants and a sweatshirt. I couldnt stop thinking about the picnic henry and I had yesterday and what he had said about his crush-

I was sitting in my room when my phone went off indicating I got a text from someone,

𝐇𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐲 <𝟑

Hey :)

hey morning :)

mind if i come over then we go to school together? My dads at a confrense and my moms with clients.

sure thing!! ill see u in a bit, bye :)

Mk bye may <3


ʀᴇᴀᴅ 7:04 ᴀᴍ

Henrys been coming over a lot lately his parents keep getting busier and busier, but the same with mine. my mom is a nurse and my dad's always in his office doing who knows what.

Elle is the one who always watches over Henry and I.

I don't mind though she's a lot of fun. speaking of her-


well, she's fun most of the time.

"SHUT UP YOUR NOT MOM" I yell back at her

I still listen to what she said though, I need to get ready before Henry comes over.

I run down the stairs to go grab my uniform from the laundry room and put it on.

 I brush my teeth wash my face, and all that.

it's now about 7:34, and Elle made breakfast for me when someone who I assume is henry rings the doorbell an astounding number of times.

"Oh my gosh im gonna kill him i swear!" I yell hoping he would hear me from the other side of the door

"Haha very funny may. Now open the door it's freezing out here!"

I open the door for him.

he's just standing there violin in hand the cold making his cheeks rosy,

he looked so pretty.

"sooooo You gonna let me in or what?" he asks

"Oh right yeah sorry come in" I spit out realizing I was staring.

"do you even practice that thing like at all?" I say pointing to his violin

"Of course I do!" He says "I love the violin you know that."

"Mhm.." I say rolling my eyes in the process.

"Why hello you." Elle Smiles By the kitchen

"Oh Hey Elle how are you?" henry asks

"I'm fine thanks Amber How are you..? something seemed to have caught your eye when you were opening the door for henry" She said smiling looking almost proud.

"Nothing caught my eye stupid I was just thinking," I Responded

"Yeah thinking about He-" I stopped her by saying

"Okay henry! lets both go upstairs because I have to go and get my shoes then Elle can take us"

he looks at me and Elle then follows.

Its now 7:52 and were in the car on our way to school. i get a bit tired i was up pretty late last night thinlking about what henry had said it still was latched onto my mind. I rested my head on his shoulder while we drive to school.

As we get there we walk in and since today school didint start till a bit later we headed to a little bench and just sat there while i once again laid my head on his shoulder. It felt so much different now that i do this, even i have done it so many times.

Over the schools intercome there was an announcment.

"Dearest reardon academy, there has been a horrible family accident please look torwards your nearest class for action, remember reardon is a safe place."

I look up at henry and we head straight for  room 014 otherwise known as my math class. there we sit in random seats as the teacher anounces there has been a horrible tradgedy.

"some students will be pulled aside for questioniers, we would like to respect the targeted family so please dont talk about it around the school. Now continue on and head to your actual classes and have a great day."

From there me and henry are very conserned but go to our band class.

once we walk in we get to our seats and await instruction from Mr. Rosenthal.

"Students grade your partners work with there instruments and that will be all today i want everyone to take it easy."

from there everyone starts chatting and working with there partner.

I turn to henry while hes putting rasen on his violin strings.

"This is so weird, reardon under stress?" I say

he looks at me with a sympathetic smile "its okay amber everythings fine."

I smile back at him as he puts his violin up to his chin and starts to play

"Wow henry you really dont practice-" I laugh at him

"Oh shut up!" he laughs.


Its now after school and I see my mom talking with a police officer, Im a bit confused and nervous but i approach her and she goes "Oh amber Hi! Hi henry aswell" She says warmly as she kisses the top of my head 

"Hi Mrs. ellison!" Says henry.

"Amber, Tonight your gonna stay with The Frasers Something important's going on at the clinic and i need to help out i wont be home till super late, Grace has alreay said its alright."

"Okay mom! I love you." I say hugging her.

Then me and henry walk to his house.

Super Rich Kids  ☂︎  Henry FraserWhere stories live. Discover now