𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐈𝐭 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐖𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧

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We ran out of the house.

I noticed that Mrs. Fraser was taking a different route today than usual, She was also looking very paranoid about our surroundings keeping one hand on henrys back and the other on mine. 

As we finally make it to Reardon my eyes widen.

Hundreds of reporters swarm the small school.

I hear one fox 5 reporter say "We are live in front of the Reardon school where the son of the victim attends.."

It's so crazy right now. Parents trying to hide their kid's faces from being telegraphed, or even being asked questions by the reporters.

Police trying to keep them back and more

Henry looks at me confused and he grabs my hand. I turn to look at Mrs. Fraser and she whispers to us, "Don't answer any questions just keep walking" we nod and keep walking with her.

"This is because of Miguel and Jenna's mom?" Henry asks

"yes.." she replies.  

right as we're about to enter where most of the reporters are, people are shouting at the three of us.

"Maam Sir one second of your time!"

"Please could you answer our questions?'

"Did you know the family?"

and stuff like that while they shove microphones and cameras in our faces. 

We just keep walking until We hear someone behind us 

"Grace!" "grace!" It's Sylvia and her daughter.

"Sylvia!" Mrs. Fraser calls her to come over to us

Sylvias wearing sunglasses to hide herself and she keeps her daughter close.

" Hi Sylvia, Hi Ally," I say looking at them both

"Oh hello Amber, Where's your mom?" Sylvia asks

"She busy with work," I say

"I assumed.. Anyways can you guys believe all of this? I've never seen such a cluster fuck." She says to us then she realizes she cussed and says "Oh I'm sorry"

me henry and ally laugh a bit

"I was thinking about letting the nanny bring ally to school this is so chaotic."

Just then as we've finally gotten into the actual soon a woman walks up to the five of us

Sylvia sighs a bit "Oh uhm Grace this is Alexis her daughters in second grade." she says

me henry and ally look at each other confused.

"Hi uhm" she says out of breath then continues "I've been told you're a therapist," she asks

and Mrs. Fraser nods her head.

It's so crazy right now parents and students running left and right to avoid the media.

Alexis continues "I know you probably don't give free medical advice but my little Kimberly is anxious to begin with and you know this is her first school murder.." She says like it's a normal thing.

Me and henry give the lady wide eye's, so does Sylvia

Henry looks between his mom and Alexis he looks surprised but oddly scared while ally stands near me looking at Alexis like shes crazy.

ally looks at me and henry and whispers "um guys I think we should go in now." she says and we nod.

henry then stutters out "w- we're gonna head in now.."

"Sure, I'll see you two in the afternoon," she says to us and Sylvia waves ally goodbye

"Um guys I'm gonna head to class, you two have a good day." Ally says to me and henry

We smile at her and she walks away.

"What the fuck is happening-" henry blurts out.

"I have no clue this is so weird," I say as we're walking to our classes. We chat a bit more till a police officer calls us over.

"You two please come here," he says. it's the same officer that was at the Fraser house a few days ago.

"detective Mendoza" he states himself me and henry stare at him until i say

"Uh- Amber Ellison and this is Henry Fraser," I say pointing to henry.

"yes, I'm aware. I need to know, you two know Grace Fraser in what way?"

"Uhm sir with all respect- why do you need to know this information? henry asks. I don't say anything because I wonder the same.

"that is of no importance to you. Now answer the question." He States glaring at us.

I feel so odd like we shouldn't tell him but henry starts"Um grace Fraser is My mother-".

"And what about you Miss Ellison?" the detective asks me

"Oh, I'm just a friend" I blurt out.

"Okay thank you for that. I would also before I go like to inform you two upon the NYPD Classes today have been canceled. So you can go and wait while someone comes and picks you two up.

"What?! classes-" I start but I hear a voice

"Amber! henry!"

It was Elle.

"Oh Elle, Hey" I say

"come on guys follow me we need to go drop henry off  His mom just called me," Elle said

"Um, Elle?" Henry asked but I don't think she heard over all of the reporters screaming in our faces Elle tries to cover us.

"Henry come on I need to drop you off at your grandpa's your mom's already waiting there for you," she states.

Elles keeping a close watch on us holding us like Mrs. Fraser did this morning.

We say nothing the rest of the way until we reach there.

I see Mrs. Fraser Frantically waiting for us im assuming.

When she sees us she runs over to Henry and hugs him tight.

"Mom,  Dad. Is he back yet?" Henry asks right away.

She doesn't reply she just looks down until she finally says "No henry he's not."

it goes silent.

"I'm going to take amber back to our house if you need anything give me a call" Elle speaks up

"Oh yes thank you so so much Elle I really appreciate it." She says sympathetically.

I look at henry he looked so petrified. I feel so bad for him everything's changing.

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