𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨

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CHAPTER TWO:❝︎Not All Of You Escaped❞︎

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❝︎Not All Of You Escaped❞︎

RINGING IN HER EARS WAS what woke her up, forcing her eyes open only to close them once more at the bright light that was placed over head. She inhaled deeply, blinking again and again until she managed to focus her vision. The ringing in her ears slowly started to fade, a muffled voice could be heard talking to her, but she couldn't make out what it was that they were saying. The woman turned her head, squinting her eyes as she looked at the man who was speaking to her. All she could see was his mouth moving before he smiled widely and started to laugh before her vision went black again.

She seemed to go in and out over and over again, until she finally managed to grab a hold of herself. Her jaw clenched, pain shooting throughout her body causing her to arch her back in pain. She went to sit up, only to stop when she felt her wrist being held down no matter how hard she tried to pull on them to make them move. A sigh of realization seemed to fall on her lips, realizing that she was strapped down to the chair.

"Is this the only thing you people are good at?" Eloise mumbled, her voice sounded dry, her lips dangerously chapped, and her tongue felt like the Sahara desert―︎she was becoming dehydrated. "Capturing us, tying us up, experimenting on us, only for us to slip easily from your grasps?" She let out an amused laugh.

"Well. . . not all of you escaped so easily." A male voice entered the room, causing Eloise to look at him. Everything about him screamed evil, she almost rolled her eyes. "Sergeant Barnes was with us for well over fifty years. And the angel―︎well, she almost didn't make it, now did she?"

"James will kill you, you know." Eloise grunted. "He may be in hiding right now, but when he's free, he'll kill you. Because you touched the woman he loves. And because you trained him to kill his enemies―︎well, I hate to break it to you, but you're number one on his list. He can't see her anymore because of what you did. She isn't allowed to leave in fear of her being captured and killed."

"We were so close." He hummed, finding all of her words amusing. "So close to figuring out what it is that truly runs through angels. Their blood is nothing but red, just like us humans, and yet their blood can heal anyone. Tell me, Eloise, aren't you just a little curious to know about the creatures that roam our world?"

"Maybe." Eloise snarled. "But I'm not curious enough to kill them to find out! Unlike you people, my brain works correctly."

"Well, they do say that curiosity kills the cat." He shrugged his shoulders, moving the hair that had fallen in Eloise's face, causing her to move back from his as much as she could. "But luckily for the both of us, I'm not dead yet."

"You will be." Eloise hissed, before managing to tear herself from the restraints―︎it was safe to say that the woman was a lot more stronger than they had ever anticipated. She kicked the man backwards before jumping off of the chair, grabbing his head and slamming it onto the metal table nearby. Grabbing one of the syringes on the table, she was quick to stab it into the mans neck before quickly turning on her heel and running out of the room.

As she opened the door, the two guards standing there immediately started to lunge at her. She grabbed onto one of their guns, slamming it backwards so that it hit the guard in the face, giving her time to quickly spin around, sending a roundhouse kick towards the other guard before turning back to the first one and kneeing him in the stomach before slamming his head harshly against the wall, causing him to fall to the ground.

She turned to face the other guard, watching as he stood back up and aimed his gun at her. She smirked slightly before running towards him, jumping up and quickly wrapping her legs around his neck before quickly flipping his body onto the ground, allowing her to safely roll out of the position and grab his hand gun before pointing it at another guard that came towards her, causing her to quickly shoot him down.

Eloise continued running through the building, attacking any guards that got in her way before suddenly she came face to face with five of them. She stopped, turning her head to see five more coming towards her from the other direction. She wasn't going to give up. She refused to allow herself to become another experiment of HYDRA. She popped her neck before fixing her stance, smirking.

"Wanna dance, boys?" She questioned, looking between the ten different guards. "Lucky for you, I've always loved the tango." And then the fighting started. She jumped up, kicking one of them in the chest sending them flying back as she fell to the ground, catching herself and quickly flipping back up as she took them out one by one, looking around her in satisfaction as she knocked the last one out.

"Thank you Natasha Romanoff." Eloise muttered to herself before stepping over the bodies of the guards, and continuing down the hall only to stop when it seemed like half of the HYDRA men stood in front of her. She clenched her jaw and softly sighed.

"You didn't think it would really be that easy, did you?" She turned around to look at the man who was smiling in amusement. He chuckled before nodding to one of the men behind her. "Take her." Knowing she had no other choice, she reluctantly allowed for the man to grab onto her arms, shoving her back towards the room in which she had just escaped from.

" Knowing she had no other choice, she reluctantly allowed for the man to grab onto her arms, shoving her back towards the room in which she had just escaped from

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