𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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CHAPTER SEVEN:❝︎It's Too Easy❞︎

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❝︎It's Too Easy❞︎

WHEN AVERY CONFIRMED THAT ELOISE WAS IN SOME HUDRA FACILITY BEING TESTED ON, HE SAT THERE IN SILENT PANIC. So many thoughts entered his brain, trying to figure out how they could get her back, or hell if they could even get her back. He wondered if she was still alive. God, he hoped that she was still alive. Eloise was the reason that he was the person that he was now. She was the woman that he would settle down with if that were to ever happen, and the thought of that not happening seemed to make his heart shatter in his chest.

Tony Stark wasn't known for being an emotional person. That was something that everyone in the world knew. He kept his emotions in and behind closed doors. The only time he felt he could actually release his fears was when he was with Eloise; the woman who always knew the right things to say when his thoughts got a little darker than he liked. Eloise Gardner was supposed to be his future, and he would be damned if he let HYDRA destroy the one good thing he had going in his life. He was going to get her back, no matter what it took.

When Avery had told him her plan, he didn't know what to think. It was a plan, that was for sure. It was a plan that he would go through with, but that wasn't the problem he knew they were about to face. It was whether or not the other Avengers would want to go through with it. According to Roxanne Morris, they were holding Eloise at a place that wasn't really all that far away, nor was it really that hidden. And the fact that they had so easily found it, thanks to Calliope, Tony couldn't help but feel like it wasn't that easy.

Avery stood in front of the group of Avengers, her eyes darting towards each and every one of them as she tried to think of how it was that she was going to word this without them having a way to realize that her plan had many faults. But it was the best plan that they had right now. And unless anyone else came up with a much better plan, this was their shot to get Eloise back. They knew how HYDRA worked, they knew that they would move Eloise soon, and they had to get to the woman before they did just that.

Avery finally cleared her throat, causing the Avengers to turn their heads in order to look at the teenager. She offered them a tight smile. "No one is allowed to say a single word until I finish speaking, is that understood?" The group nodded, and a breath of relief seemed to fall from her lips. At least she knew that they wouldn't interrupt her, allowing her shoulders to relax just a little bit. That was her biggest pet peeve―︎being interrupted. She absolutely despised it, and she didn't want to accidentally send one of the Avengers flying across the room if they did that, because she would, she did it with Peter one time, and now he's terrified to start a conversation with her.

"As you all know, Eloise has been taken by HYDRA." Avery started, glancing towards the group and watching frowns pull at some of their faces. Maybe they didn't know. "Okay, or maybe you didn't before, but you do now. Yeah, Eloise was snatched by HYDRA, and now we lovely group of heroes gotta go snatch her back before she, I don't know, dies or becomes another Bucky Barnes." She met Steve's eyes as she said this, watching as his eyes glanced towards Theodora. He realized that Theodora was possibly about to go through the same thing that he had to go through, and he wasn't going to let that happen.

"Do we know where she is?" Steve finally spoke up.

Avery met Tony's eyes, a hopeful look crossing through her eyes as she sent him a reassuring smile as if to tell the man that Steve was already on board. And if Steve was on board, then so was Liliya, and then came everyone else. All she had to do was finish explaining. "We do. Sage got in touch with Roxanne who has been so kind to figure where Eloise is, and give us the location. Lucky for us, she isn't all the way in Puerto Rico or some shit like that. She's in the deeper dangerous parts of New York. A place in which I myself didn't even know existed, and I've practically flown around the whole state.

"And lucky for me, my best friend is a hacker, so she was able to find as well as confirm the location. She saw them carry Eloise into the building thanks to a nearby security camera of an older building that surprisingly still worked." She huffed. "Point is, we need to break in, get Eloise, and get out. And it's not like we haven't done this seventy billion times before, so it should be easy. Now, questions?"

Natasha shook her head. "It's too easy."

"Nat, just let us have an easy mission for once in our lives and not question it." Avery groaned.

"And get one of us killed?" Natasha shot back. "I agree, we should go in and get Eloise back. But we need to think before we even make one step. There's something too simple about this, and I have a feeling that they want us to find her. There's something that they're planning that we know nothing about. Guys, this is HYDRA. The organization we've all been hunting for years. They may shoot like the Stormtroopers from Star Wars, but they're still good at completely wiping away evidence of them ever being somewhere. They wouldn't leave footage behind if they didn't want us to come after them."

     "You've seen Star Wars?" Avery questioned.

"Natasha's right." Liliya's voice made Avery raise her eyebrows in surprise. "We need to think about this, just for a moment. And once we know it's safe, once we know that one of us won't get hurt, or worse, die, then we'll get her back. But right now, I think we need to analyze the situation more."

Steve sighed, meeting his girlfriend's eyes before he reluctantly nodded his head. "Alright. We're on a time limit. We need a plan, and we need one fast. And as soon as we have one, we'll act." Steve turned his head to look at Tony, giving the man a firm nod of his head. "We'll get her back, Tony. I promise." And then he stood up, and all of the others were dismissed.

" And then he stood up, and all of the others were dismissed

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