𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐓𝐰𝐨

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❝︎Their Legacy❞︎

THIS WAS A BAD IDEA AND ELOISE KNEW IT. However, she knew that she had to get her parents work back, even if it would kill her. Natasha was driving, leading them to the place that Eloise had been taking. Natasha parked far away, knowing they would have to walk the rest of the way if they wanted to be discreet. They four women got out of the car and Eloise made her way towards the building with the others following behind her. Natasha and Liliya both had their guns ready, Eloise and Wanda were both going to rely on their powers. Eloise had a gun with her just in case, but something told her she wouldn't need it.

They agreed to avoid as much confrontation as possible. They were hoping to sneak in and get right back out. They all had coms in their ears to stay in contact. Eloise would go searching and the others would deal with the HYDRA agents. They got in easily. HYDRA agents were everywhere and Eloise couldn't help but curse under her breath. This was going to be hard. She knew it was a risk, but she was trying to be hopefully, but that didn't get her anywhere ever it seemed. She looked at Natasha who nodded her head and she knew they were going to have to fight their way through this was.

Eloise went forwards and immediately the HYDRA agents recognized her. They ran towards her, guns ready. Natasha and Liliya stepped in, beginning to shoot. Wanda ran to Eloise's side, holding up a protective shield that would keep her from getting hurt. Eloise and Wanda ran, going down multiple halls, doing many twists and turns. She glanced through every door she could look through and suddenly came to a stop. Wanda looked at her and Eloise nodded for her to go back to the other two. Wanda nodded and left her side.

Eloise turned the door knob and sighed when it was locked. She ripped off the door knob, kicking the door open and entering the room. There it was, sitting right there on the table, still closed in its case. Eloise went to grab it and turned when approaching footsteps made it towards her. Three guards came flying towards her and Eloise was quick to attack. She grabbed one of their guns, crushing it in her hand and hitting the guard in the head with it. She turned, ducking under a hit. She grabbed the other mans gun as he started shooting. She lifted the gun up, slamming him roughly into the wall causing the gun to go flying from his hand.

Eloise grabbed him by the neck, pulling him from the wall and slamming his head roughly on the table. She looked at the third man and he stared back at her. Eloise clenched her jaw and suddenly her vampire instincts took over. She sped up to him, grabbing onto him and roughly sinking her teeth into his neck. She ripped his throat open, blood splattering all over her. She looked at him as he fell and focused on the blood that covered her her hand. She simply brought the blood to her lips and licked it off. It was animalistic, she knew that, but she would do whatever it took to get her parents work back. She wish she could get her parents back, but this was the next closest thing.

She grabbed the case, walking out of the room and back towards the others. By the time that she got there, all of the HYDRA agents had been shot down. Natasha, Liliya, and Wanda turned to look at her and Wanda's eyes widened at the sight of blood covering her. Eloise didn't say anything as she walked by them and they followed her. They made it to the car and once they were a safe distance away, Natasha finally decided to ask.

"So, what's with the blood?"

Eloise looked away from the case she'd been staring at. "I ripped a guy's throat out." The car was silent then. Eloise shrugged her shoulders. "It was either me or him, I chose him. I told you I would do what it took to get this case back. I meant it."

"You ripped a guy's throat out?" Liliya asked.

"Liliya, you shot down like fifteen agents. I don't see the difference."

Wanda shrugged. "It's a fair argument."

"Look, I know you lot think of me as a monster, and you're right, I am, but my parents mean more to me than anything else. If I have to maim someone to keep their legacy alive then I will." Eloise shrugged. "I don't care about my reputation, quite frankly I don't care what anyone thinks of me."

"We don't think you're a monster, Eloise." Liliya told her, turning to look at her from her place in the passenger seat. "I don't think I'm supposed to say it, but fuck it I'm going to say it anyways. You're one badass vampire."

Eloise tried not to smile. "Thank you, Liliya. And for the record, I'm only half vampire. I'm not immortal, I die like everyone else, bleed like everyone else."

"You sure as hell don't fight like everyone else, that's for sure." Liliya chuckled. "Tony's going to be so pissed. Steve is too."

"But getting yelled at by Steve compared to Tony is a lot less dramatic." Eloise retorted. "Speaking of, Tony asked me to marry him."

Wanda smiled brightly. "And you said?"

"Yes, of course. I love him. He means everything to me."

"That's so sweet." Wanda cooed. "I wanna find a love like you two."

"You will." Eloise assured her. "You're young Wanda, you have your whole life ahead of you."

Wanda nodded. "We'll see."

They pulled back up to the Avengers compound. The four women walked in and went their separate ways. Eloise took the case in her hands and brought it to Rosalynn and Bruce, instructing them to keep it in a safe and secure place where no one but her could get into it. She walked out and her eyes landed on Steve and Tony who were talking to each other. Steve had his arms crossed and Tony had a hand on the top of his head. When he turned and met her eyes, anger flashed on his face. He said something else to Steve before walking away and heading straight for her.

Eloise sighed to her self. "This should go well."


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