𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞

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CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE:❝︎Trying To Be Optimistic❞︎

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❝︎Trying To Be Optimistic❞︎

ELOISE HEADED BACK HOME, FEELING A WEIGHT FALL FROM HER SHOULDERS. Whilst she knew there was still a chance of her kids having her condition, it was only a 1% chance, and Eloise could take those chances without feeling the slightest bit guilty about them. She entered the home, immediately hearing the music coming from the basement telling her exactly where Tony was. She made her way down the steps, smiling at him being in his natural habitat. He looked so peaceful, sitting there and working on his suit. Eloise just stood there and watched him for a few minutes, the smile lingering on her face. God, she loved him so much. Eloise never thought she'd be capable to love someone as much as she loved Tony Stark, but she did and she was happy. She and Tony had been through a lot together, and he could be such a pain in the ass that it drove her up a wall, but she wouldn't have it any other way.

Eloise truly didn't know how she'd gotten so lucky. To have someone that loved her whole heartedly and when he saw what she'd become, what HYDRA had turned her into, he continued to stick by her side, he continued to love at her and look as if she were the only girl in the world. He made her feel so special, so wanted, so loved, and she had a feeling he didn't even realize it. He had turned her world upside down, and Eloise would forever be thankful for that. She would admit that when they first met that she thought he was a cocky narcissistic asshole and she wanted absolutely nothing to do with him, but somehow he changed her mind. She couldn't remember how or when, it was like something between them had changed all of sudden and now she was standing here, knowing that she was going to marry him one day. Maybe that day would come sooner than she thought, but she was happy for the first time in forever.

Eloise knew that she had a lot of baggage, that she had a lot of trauma that weighed her down, but Tony still loved her for all of it. He told her everything she needed to know when she had told him she'd ripped a guy's throat out and he had just shrugged it off like it was nothing. If Tony was standing by her side, she could fight a war on her own. As long as he was with her, Eloise could conquer the world. She thought about what she would do without him in her life, and the thought alone brought her so much terror that she didn't even want to think of the possibility.

Tony could feel her hovering, he knew that she was standing there the moment she'd gotten there, but he didn't say anything. She distracted him easily, which was saying a lot because Tony never got distracted from his work. He finished what he was doing before finally sitting up and turning to look at her. He sent her a small smile and she stood up from her spot leaning against the door frame. Tony stood up as well, walking up to her and immediately his hands went to her arms. He wanted to know what Rosalynn said, but he didn't want to make Eloise upset, so he decided he would just let her tell him herself.

     Eloise let out a deep breath as she looked at him, her electric blue eyes looking deep into his chocolate brown ones. "So, I talked to Rosalynn. She did some test." She paused for a moment and she could see the anticipation building inside of him. She had to bite back a smile. "She said. . . that I have nothing to worry about?"

     Tony let out a breath he hadn't known he'd been holding. "Really?"

     Eloise nodded. "Really. She said the possibility of any children getting my condition was very unlikely, there's only a 1% chance, and whilst there's still a chance, that low number brings me some comfort. Knowing me, that would be my fucking luck, but I'm trying to be optimistic. How am I doing?"

     "Good." Tony complimented.

     "I know kids are nowhere near our future, but the thought just occurred to me out of nowhere and I just had to know. As of this moment, we're in the clear."

     "Well that's good to know for the future." Tony breathed out.

     "Agreed." Eloise nodded back towards his suit. "I know that you were in the middle of figuring something out on your suit, so I'll let you get back to it." She gave him a kiss before walking back up the steps.

Tony watched her leave and he couldn't help but think that she was the strongest woman alive. Eloise Gardner has been through hell and back, and yet she still managed to put a smile on her face. She still managed to laugh. She still managed to live her life and Tony couldn't help but admire her for it. If it had been the other way around, Tony didn't think he could ever be as strong as she was. As strong as Avery was, or Liliya, or Wanda. Avery's words repeated in his head, my trauma doesn't define me, and he couldn't help but think that was the motto that Eloise was living by. Tony turned back to his work.

Eloise sat there on the couch, her show playing in the background softly as she held a book in her hands. Eloise wasn't very big on reading, she never really had the time for it, but at this moment she did and she decided to pick up a book she started a year ago. Eloise paused in the middle of her reading, and she closed her eyes in annoyance. God, she hated it when her mind started running. Her mind wondered back to the case that Rosalynn and Bruce had locked up and suddenly she wanted to know what was in there.

After so many years of protecting the case with her life, a case that almost cost her her life, she'd never once thought of opening it herself. It was her parents after all, and theoretically she had a right to it. Eloise groaned loudly into her book, knowing that curiosity was only going to eat her alive if she didn't figure it out. She didn't want to bother Tony, but she had a feeling he'd want to help her with this one. So, she made her way back down the steps and looked at Tony with crossed arms.

     "Miss me already?" Tony joked, not turning away from his suit.

     "Tony." He turned at the way she said his name.

     Tony stood up. "What did I do?"

     "Why did you immediately assume you did something?" Eloise asked.

     "I don't know, what else is the cause for that look on your face.

     Eloise rolled her eyes. "I need your help." Tony looked at her in silent question. "I need you to help me crack open my parents case."

     Tony smirked. "I thought you'd never ask."


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