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Ink's POV

We were fighting with the bad sanses again,but this time was rough
We've been fighting with them for an hour and I still have to fix this Au that they messed up with
I think they've got stronger than us now...

I was now panting hard,cuz my opponent was Nightmare and Killer,they've got more alert and stronger than ever...
How are they even doin that
I glanced to where Dream and Blue were
Dream was now helping Blue to stand up and they are now helping to each other to fight their opponents until...
"INK WATCH OUT!" Blue suddenly snaps.
I looked back to where my opponents should be...
Suddenly I felt my head got hit hard with something and everything went black.

Dream's POV

After Ink being knocked out by my brother,Cross carried him and the rest of the gang went back to their base
Only Nightmare left behind,glaring and grinning at me.

"Hey! Bring Ink back!" I yelled,he just laughed
"Come for him or he'll die~" he simply said as he made a portal too back to their base then stepped in and the portal suddenly closed
I dropped into my knees and starting tearing up
"H-how...a-are we g-gonna save a-and bring Ink b-back?"Blue asked,stuttering
" I d-don't know Blue...cuz Nightmare said...if we go to them to rescue our learder...he'll die...Ink will die...and he's serious ok?
So we have no other choice but...not planning on saving Ink...for the sake of his life" I said
Blue was also starting to tear up
"W-which means...he'll just suffer on whatever they'll gonna do to him...?
And we're not gonna save him cuz Nightmare will kill him...?
But that's unfair!" He said then and he started crying
Oh Blue...
Please okay
And don't give up on us ok?...
Always think positive...

Nightmare's POV

"Okay,mission complete
Take that rainbow bitch on his cell,chain him up,and lock the cell door.Make sure he won't get out or escape.
Also,give me his giant paintbrush and the sash of paint vials" I said then Cross nodded and he did what I've told him
I sighed,then sat down on the couch
"So...what are we gonna do now boss?" Killer asked
"Do anything what u want,and if Ink wakes up,u know what to do" I simply said,they just nodded
"So now,without that rainbow bastard,we can now fully attack and messed up with the Aus we want to destroy,and also the remaining star shits can't win anymore and they are now also weak because their leader has been kidnapped and being in the cell for a while so that they can't fully interfere with our works" I said
They all nodded then evily laughed and so do I

Seconds later

Cross finally came back then sat down on the couch
"So?" I simply asked him
"Well...I laid him down on a prisoner bed,and I really made sure he can't escape.Chains on his wrists and hands connected,I also made a barrier that only him can't get out or teleport away and use any kind of magics" He explained
I grinned
"Good job, Cross"

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