Chapt~17~:Murder Time Trio

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Ink's POV

I'm now with the mtt
And we're the backyard of this castle
"Well hello...Ink" Dust greeted
"Um hi?" I greeted back
Killer then walked to me and now infront of me,facing me...
I just gulped
"Let's play hide & seek!" Killer exclaimed
"And you're it,Ink" Killer added
"Me?...why me?" I asked,confused
Dust then walked beside Killer
"If you found us,we'll decide to follow your orders for 3 days,and if you lose or u still didn't found us in 5 mins...
You need to hide because if we found you...You're Gonna Have A Bad Time" Dust explained
"5 mins!??" I exclaimed then started sweating
"Yep...u better find us and don't worry,we wont go teleport in any other AU
We're just here...just here..." Horror said
"I-I'm not a good seeker!" I yelled
"Well...we're not a good hider either" Killer said
"Hey! Stop lying!" I exclaimed
"Heh,why? Are we freaking the hell out of you?" Dust asked
"Well,I-I'm already scared!" I exclaimed then backed away a bit
"Oh! One more thing
If you'll be punish" Horror said
I gulped
"Hey,stop scaring him,let's start our game now!
Okay Ink,start finding us now" Killer said
They then teleported away

Ok ok Ink...u can do it...
It's just a game...a hide and seek game...
And it's almost...sunset anyways...

Hmm how about I'll go search inside the castle first

I fast walked through the corridors, still no signs of them
"This place is so fucking huge,and they just gave me 5 mins!?" I mumbled
I then went in every room in these walls
I still can't find them...
I went to the living room to see Nightmare and Error watching tv
I just ignored them,I then started searching in every underneath
But still didn't find them
"The fuck are u doing Ink?" I heard Error asked but I ignored him then went to the kitchen
I then started searching for them or sign of them...
I opened every cabinets and under the table...still no one
Where the fuck are they?
I took a deep breath in and out for a while
Dang I'm so thirsty
I grabbed a glass from the cabinet then closed it
I then opened the fridge
"AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" I freaked out then accidentally dropped the glass so it fell on the ground....broken
Well ofcourse Error and Nightmare heard me scream
"The fuk is going on!?" Nightmare yelled then teleported beside me
Also Error
"Darn...he found me" Horror grumbled then walked out from the fridge
"Playing hide and seek aren't you?" Nightmare asked
I just nodded
Nightmare and Error just sighed then went back go the living room
"Well...goodluck finding the others,also...if u forgot
It's already 3 mins passed" he said while cleaning the mess I made
Holy shit!

I then ran away and started finding them quickly...

I've also reached the basement...
There I found Dust!
"Dang...only one left~ and it's already 4 mins~"
Dust said then teleported away

Oh no no no no!

I've searched all the inside in this castle but no sign of Killer...
Well I went outside then started searching for him

But too late...
It's already been 5 mins...passed
Someone suddenly tapper my shoulder from behind
I flinched a bit
"Time's up~" the voice said
I slowly turned around to see  Killer grinning
I started to sweat
He then put his hands on his pockets,the others teleported beside him and started whispering to each other
I was confused at first
But then Killer suddenly talked
"No,boss will be mad at us",they then sighed
Horror suddenly pulled me by my wrist then teleported us somewhere
Where are we anyways?

"Um...where are we?
What are u gonna do to me?" I asked shakily
Horror then removed his hand from my wrist
"No worries Ink,nothing bad is gonna happen" Killer said
"But u said I'm gonna have a bad time?" I said confused
"Heh...well,for now,we'll hang out!
Welcome to Sugartale btw!" Killer exclaimed
"But...aren't Horror easily attacked by sweets and...having a sugar crash..?" I asked,making sure
"Hey! How did u know?" Horror asked
"Welp no worries,we're free now!" Dust exclaimed

Uh huh....

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