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Ink's POV

It was now already 10pm
I took a glass of milk and started drinking it before I sleep,of healthy

I suddenly heard a scream from the living room
I guess he's awake,pffft

"WHO DID THIS!?" Nightmare yelled from the living room
I saw everyone rushed in the living room to see what's going on
They all suddenly laughed at Nightmare's face
I'm now done drinking and quickly hide behind the wall in the shadows so no one can see me...and just in case...

"Pffft HAHAHA Boss you look hilarious!" I heard Killer exclaimed
"Who even did that to you?" Horror asked
"That's what I asked before!?
Now WHO DID THIS!?" Nightmare yelled
"Umm me,Horror,and Dust are in my room in the whole time since the game was finished" Killer simply said
I gulped
"Well...WHERE IS ERROR!?" Nightmare asked very pissed
"Let me just remove the your face" I heard Killer said

I guess Nightmare and Killer started to remove the make up
"I swear you looked pretty before" I heard Dust said
"Not funny, if I know who did this,someone will receive punishment" I heard Nightmare said in a serious tone
I was now sweating
"Now WHERE'S ERROR!?" Nightmare yelled
I heard someone teleported in the living room
"Sup?" Error said
I gulped again
"Did u know who put beauty stuff in my face?" Nightmare asked
"Hmmm..." Error hummed
"You did it,didn't you?" Nightmare asked

There was a silence for a while
I don't know what they are doing now cuz I'm just hiding in the dark shadows I couldn't see them,and I'm still in the kitchen

"Hmm...very well then,I guess there is only one who did this~" Nightmare said
I shivered tho from hearing that words
I just sighed until...
I felt a tentacle wrapped around my waist
Shit! He found me!
"Found ya my maiden artist~
Have you forgot that I can easily seek people in the shadows?~" He cooed and teleported us to a room

Oh yeah I'm still in a maid outfit but He COULDN'T JUST CALL ME A MAIDEN

Yeah...I also forgot that...he easily found people in the shadows..
Oops...I fucked up

Btw...whose room is this?

[Warning...a little or slight lemon ahead( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)]

Nightmare then suddenly pinned me down into the bed,grinning at me

I was now scared of what he was gonna do to me because he mentioned before that I'll receive punishment...
Oh no no no

He then suddenly moved closer to my neck and I already felt his breath touched my sensitive spot
"So...ready for punishment?~" He asked
I just closed my eyes and wait for what's gonna happen next
" response I see...
Well,I guess that's a yes~" He said

He suddenly licked my neck slowly,I let out a soft moan and I couldn't cover my mouth because he pinned my arms

He then moved his face towards mine and he was now staring at my mouth

I suddenly remembered my punishment last time...
Which was it hurts too much
As my body bleeds alot and I passed out that day.... Cross was the only one who healed me...

Nightmare suddenly getting closer as I started to tear up and cry because of remembering my punishment last time
Nightmare then suddenly stopped cuz he noticed that I was crying
He slowly wiped my tears and laid down beside me then cuddles me

"Sssshh Ink,i-it's okay" He whispered trying to make me relax

Nightmare's POV

Shit...I made him cry
Welp..I guess I was too excited to do it tho and...I also want Ink to be mine..
I guess that'll never gonna happen...

I cuddled Ink and he cuddled back,he also burried his face on my chest and started nuzzling my chest
I blushed
"It's gonna be okay Ink,and...I'm sorry
I was never gonna hurt you tho like what I promise before ...I think I just fucked up" I muttered

But no response
I looked at Ink who was already sleeping...peacefully
"Goodnight,Ink" I whispered
I just rubbed his head then closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep as well

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