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Ink's POV

I was now also drunk because of them forcing me to drink
This was also my first time to be drunk...
Me and Nightmare are sitting on the couch,I was beside him,I'm still holding my bottle of alcohol then drinks it
"I am the most *hic* stronger and *hic* evil Sans of the *hic* Multiverse!!" Nightmare drunkly yelled
I just drink my alcohol until it was now empty
"You *hic* fucking liar!,I *hic* am the one *hic* who's strongest *hic* than you all!" Error drunkly yelled,who was laying down on the floor with the murder time trio
Killer was kissing his knife,while Horror kissing the picture of his crush who was Lust
And Dust...talking to someone,I believe it was his brother ghost
I stood up
"Heh! While me *hic*,I win the *hic* contest! *hic* I am not weak *hic* unlike you all!" I yelled,fully drunk...
"Liar! *hic* I can still *hic* stand up!" Error yelled then trying to stand up but failed
"Well,*hic* I also win the *hic* contest!" Nightmare yelled trying to stand up
"Oh really!? *hic* how so?" I said drunkly
I then took another bottle of alcohol then drinks it
"Hey! *hic* not fair!" Error yelled.
I saw Killer,Horror,and Dust was already asleep
I glanced back at Nightmare who was still sitting and can't stand up
"Ha! I told *hic* ya, you *hic* also lose!
I'm the *hic* one who remains *hic* and the *hic* winner!" I yelled then laughing at Nightmare
"Grrrr, *hic* I'll show you *hic* who's the *hic* real winner!" Nightmare yelled then finally stood up but limping
I smirked
He walked towards me
I took the last bottle of alcohol then drinks it
"Wow...I didn't knew *hic* u would be addicted to *hic* drinking..." Error mused,who was still laying down on the floor
"Hey! *hic* u took my last bottle,it was *hic* mine,not yours!" Nightmare yelled
"Oh yeah?, *hic* atleast I still *hic* remains *hic* even tho I drink *hic* 25 bottles of alcohol! *hic* while you and Error just *hic* drink 10 bottles of alcohols!" I yelled
"Wait...u really *hic* counted it all!?
U drank 25 bottles *hic* of alcohol!?
You're *hic* insane!" Nightmare exclaimed but suddenly tripped himself so he fall towards me
I fell on my back on the floor while Nightmare was now on the top of me,pinning me through the floor and...
His mouth was also in mine..
Did he just kissed me!?
My eyes widened in shock
And so do Nightmare...
"Wow...*hic* nice kiss" Error suddenly said while holding a camera that was facing on us
Nightmare suddenly pulled out from the kiss then slowly sat up
"Did u *hic* fucking took a picture of us!?" Nightmare yelled at Error
Error snickered then hid his camera on his pocket
"Oh no,I didn't ~" Error lied
I just slowly sat up
Nightmare suddenly laid back on the floor in T posture
"Ha!,I *hic* told ya *hic* I won the *hic* challenge..." I exclaimed then suddenly fell on the floor again sideward,facing Nightmare
My head really hurts now
I slowly closed my eyes then drifted off to sleep

No one's POV

It was now next day in the morning
Nightmare and Error was the first to wake up then went to the bathroom to puke
While the murder time trio went outside,Horror and Dust was puking because of how many glass of beers and alcohols they drink
While Killer is just patting their back,comforting them
After that,they went back to the living room
They saw Ink remains and still asleep on the floor drooling
Error was the first one who bent down beside Ink and waking him up
"Hey Ink,wake up" Error said while shaking Ink
"Go away....I hate *hic* mondays...." Ink just whined still asleep
"It's Saturday Ink" Error simply said but now tired of waking Ink up
It was now Nightmare's turn,he pulled Ink up on him with his tentacles around him
Ink slowly opening his eyes but still sleepy
"Hey...*hic* Nootmare...*hic* you looking good *hic* mama Nootnoot~" Ink quietly said but he was still drunk tho,and he puked on Nightmare's tentacle
"What did u just call me!?" Nightmare yelled
Horror and Killer are now bursts out to laughter
Error just chuckled while Dust holding his laughter
Nightmare glared at them
"What are you laughing at??" Nightmare asked half yelled
"Your pain" Horror drawled
"Your humiliation" Killer deadpanned

Everyone went silent then still gazing at him

"HOW COULD YOU!" Horror yelled pulling his hood over his face
"HEY!,WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT?" Killer yelled and was blushing madly

Nightmare's POV

I just smirked then glanced back at Ink again who was softly snoring,I didn't know he went back to sleep
I just sighed then laid his back on the couch
I was gonna walk away until he pulled me onto him so I was now laying on the couch infront of him,and he was also hugging and cuddling me
I blushed a bit...

I heard some giggles from the background, I look around to see them holding their laughter
I glared at them,giving them a look 'HELP ME OR DIE'
There faces just went into Lenny faces( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) then gave me a thumbs up
I was now blushing hard then glanced back at Ink who was still sleeping peacefully
"That was....a good....kiss..." Ink said while still asleep
I blushed madly
Remembering of what happend last night...
The first kiss..

A flash of light suddenly interrupted my thoughts
I glanced back at the gang to see Error still have his camera and the others are now burst out into laughter
I still can't get out of Ink's grip tho...

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