Chapt~18~:Sugar Crash

395 13 16

No one's POV

The MTT(murder time trio)
has been eating sweets for hours...
And Nightmare was now worried about his other gang that were not home yet for dinner
They are also wondering if where did they go and haven't come home yet
It's already 7pm at them
"I'll go search for them" Error said then teleported away
Nightmare just sighed then went to his throne room and sat down on his throne for a while

5 mins later

Error finally found them
He went back in the castle with the mtt and Ink being tied up with Error's strings
Nightmare felt their presence so he teleported to the living room to see them and now so disappointed at them
"Found 'em..." Error said then sat down on the couch
"Oooh...heeey boosss,whaat's uuup?" Dust whined
"Yeah...*hic* sup?" Ink said
"Drop them" Nightmare told Error
Error just nodded then released his strings
They fell on the floor with a loud thud
"Oowwwwww!" Killer whined
Horror suddenly ran to the kitchen then grabbed some foods out in the fridge
"Hey!" Nightmare yelled
Ink also stood up then summoned his broomie
And started messing up the room by scattering and wiping the walls with his paintbrush
Error was dealing with Dust and Killer
While Nightmare dealing with Horror

Nightmare then used his 4 tentacles to grip the mtt and Ink
"Let me handle this...alone" Nightmare said

Nightmare started teleporting in every room and throwing them in their beds one by one,and Ink remains still wrapped on Nightmare's tentacle
"As for you..." Nightmare trailed,staring at Ink that was infront of him being wrapped by his tentacle

Nightmare's POV

Dang...I'll just teach them a lesson tomorrow

"Hmm...since you don't have your own room yet...
I decided that you'll sleep with me" I said nonchalantly
He just tilted his head
Nuu I will neever sleep wiith yoOuuu!" He exclaimed
"Well,deal is the deal" I said then teleported in my room and laid him down to my king sized bed
He keeps standing up so I also keeps pushing him down to sleep
"Ugh! Just lay down ok!?" I yelled
He then laid down and covered himself with blanket
"Good,stay here for a bit" I said

I then teleported to the kitchen to grab a glass of water and give it to Ink
Error suddenly teleported beside me
"Is there anything I can do? Cuz I'm bored" he said
"Well,give Killer,Dust,and Horror a glass of water
I'm still dealing with Ink" I simply said then took the glass of water
"Ok...soon,don't forget to use 'protection'" he said then started snickering
"THE FUK!?" I yelled,I'm now a blushing mess,I just sighed and teleported back to my room
I saw Ink was not on the bed anymore
Instead, he was on the window trying to jump
I quickly grabbed him by my tentacle and made him face me
"Drink this" I demand
I sat Ink down on the bed
He took the glass of water then started drinking it

He was now done drinking it,I took the glass from him and put it on the nightstand
I laid him back down on the bed again
"Hey Night!" He called
"Hm?" I hummed
"Why are you so black? I can't even see you from here,cuz it's dark!" He exclaimed
I facepalmed
"First...stop being so racist Ink,second the lamp is on" I said
"Just go to sleep now Ink!" I slightly yelled
"I want cuddles first!" He exclaimed
I blushed a bit...
"Ok so after that,u should sleep!" I yelled
"Cuddles!~" he yelled back

I then laid down beside him
He started cuddling me
I cuddled back
"Nightma-" I cut him off
"Sleep" I simply said
"Why are you sad?" He asked
"I'm not sad,I'm mad" I growled
"Then...why are you mad?" He asked
"Stop attacking me with your stupid questions,just go to sleep" I said
"Are u gonna punish us tomorrow?" He asked again
Then started giggling

Ugh...I'll just use my magic instead to make him sleep

I then put a tentacle above his head and started using my magic to make him sleep

He slowly closing his eyes but before he drifted off to sleep
He nuzzles my face
I blushed so hard
After that
He drifted off to sleep,I started hearing some soft snores coming from him
His face was still close to mine
"Goodnight...Ink" i said quietly
I just closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep as well..
We are still cuddled with each other tho.

Little did they know...
Someone's been watching them :)

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