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Nightmare's POV

Midnight was also eating her dinner.
I then grabbed my glass of water then drinks it
Killer came back and now eating his dinner
"So? How's he anyway?" I asked Killer
"Umm...when I got there and put down his food...he's asleep and...he's healed" Killer simply said
I spit out the water I drink from my mouth
"Already!??" I yelled,they all flinched
"Are u sure?" Cross asked
"Y-yeah...he doesn't have any wounds anymore and he sleeps peacefully" Killer said,finishing his dinner
I stood up
"Where are u going boss?" Killer asked
I just teleported away
I'm now inside the cell where Ink could be
And there...he's sleeping...
And the food was just on the table
I walked near to Ink so I was now infront of him...
Killer is right..
He's completely healed.

But how..?
It can't be...all I know was it will take some time of regeneration,not this fast...

Suddenly, I felt Ink's waking up,he slowly opened his eyes then clearing his vision
He suddenly sat up and shaking then staying away from me.
"*scoffs* having a nice sleep? Oh how rude of me,sorry for disturbing yah but...
HOW DID U HEALED THAT FAST!?" I yelled at him
He flinched,still shaking in fear
"I-I d-don't k-know!" He yelled back
I grabbed him with my tentacle and his face nears mine
"L-leave me a-alone! P-please!" He pleaded
"Tell you what...I'll make a deal with you that we're not gonna destroy or kill some innocent monsters anymore..." I said
I removed the chains in his wrists so he will be a little comfortable talking with me
Besides,he can't use his magic here...
"I-I....I'm...l-listening..." He stuttered
I evily laughed

Ink's POV

A deal...with him?
That deal might be bad...
But I don't have a choice..
It's for the sake of the multiverse.
After I told him that I'm listening, he evily laughed
I was still shaking in fear of what might he'll do to me.
"We will never cause destruction and killing the innocent long as you OBEY me and you'll do what I orders!
And never try to escape!" He exclaimed
"S-so...l-like I'm a s-slave...?" I asked
He laughed evily
"More than that...little brush" he cooed
" l-long as the Aus...a-are s-safe..." I grumbled
He chuckled then suddenly dropped me so I fell on the floor
"Eat your dinner and after u finish me at my office room" he simply said then teleported away
I huffed
I looked at the food that was on the table...
I'm...not hungry...
I just curled up,hugging my knees.

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