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Ink's POV

I dunno why but...
My chest was still aching
I was also coughing blood
I groaned in pain
Ugh...what's happening to me...
I also felt myself getting warm
Am I having a fever again..?

I slowly stood up I can feel myself getting numb...
I coughed again
I suddenly heard someone screaming outside the cell
"Ink!? Hello! Are you here!?" A familiar voice said
That was Killer!
"K-Killer! *cough* I-I'm here!" I yelled while stuttering
"Wait..u heard that?" Killer asked
"That was actually Ink,u fucking idiot" That was Error's voice
I can't believe they're here for me!

I walked towards the exit but I tripped myself so I fell on my knees and starting coughing again
I heard the footsteps getting closer
"Ink! There u are!" That voice was Dust!
I looked up to see everyone in the outside and teleported inside beside me
"Ink can u stand up?" Error asked
"Y-yeah h-hang *cough* on a s-sec" I stuttered then slowly standing up
They also supported me
"*gasped* Ink! You're hot again!" Killer exclaimed
"Wait...he had a fever before?" Error asked
"No time to explain! We need to go!" Dust slightly yelled
Nightmare then suddenly teleported infront of us
"Ink! You're okay!" Nightmare exclaimed happily
I just gave him a warm smile
Error then quickly made a portal for us back to the castle
We then stepped in and he closed the portal from behind

"Nightmare,Ink has a fever!" Killer yelled
"I'll take Ink in his room" Nightmare said
He pulled me and teleported us in my room,then laid me down on my bed
Error also teleported beside Nightmare holding a small bucket of water with a cloth on it
He then gave it to Nightmare and sat down beside me
"Ink,what did he do to you?" Error asked
Nightmare squeezed the wet cloth then put it on my forehead
"H-he...j-just put a s-spell on m-me *cough* t-to not to f-fight back t-to *cough* h-him" I stuttered
"Did he hurt you physically?" Error asked
"H-he *cough* punched m-me once i-in the f-face" I stuttered
"Stars...Ink you're stuttering
I think he did something else to you...
And you're also coughing
Which part of you hurts?" Nightmare said then asked
"M-my h-head....m-my *cough* chest...m-my throat...-" I was about to continue until Error interrupted
"Ink,stop talking
U need to rest" Error said

I was about to talk until I started coughing uncontrollably
I quickly covered my mouth with my hand while coughing
"I-Ink!" Nightmare yelled,worriedly
Error also took a lil bit closer to me
"Ink! Relax!
U need to control it!
Stop coughing" Nightmare exclaimed
I swear everything hurts now...

I then finally stopped from coughing then released my hand from my mouth
But what I see shocked me again...
A blob of bloods on my palm again
They also looked at me in shock
"I-Ink...y-you're blood flowing out from...your mouth..?" Nightmare stuttered a little and worried
" were coughing blood!?
I swear he did something else to you!" Error exclaimed then stood up

"N-no s-stop! *cough* I-" Nightmare cut me off
"Ink,it's Swapdream's fault! He doesn't deserve a second chance!" Nightmare exclaimed
I just looked away and coughing again
Error teleported away and came back with a glass of water
I slowly sat up and he gave me the glass of water
I'm now drinking it
My throat still hurts...

Nightmare then started using his healing magic to me
It's no use..
I was still coughing

Nightmare's POV

After Ink drank the water
He laid back down again and we let him sleep and rest for a while
Before that,Ink muttered something to me
"N-Night...please *cough* n-no k-killing *cough* o-our f-friends...?"
"*sigh*...I just don't know Ink" I said
Me and Error exited the room
I started tearing up and so worried about Ink's situation...
"It's...obvious that...Ink's ill" Error said
I then quickly wiped my tears away
"Let's find cure for him" I said
"But how? We don't even know what caused of his illness" Error said
"Well...let's try asking the one who caused this" I said

We suddenly saw Midnight walked to us
"And where do u two think you're going again?" She asked
"Midnight,can you stay with Ink for a while please?
And call the mtt or us if something's bad gonna happen" I said
" ill,Midnight
Take care of him for a while and call some help from the mtt" Error said
Midnight just nodded then went to Ink's room

Error then made a portal infront of us and we stepped in,he then closed the portal from behind

Okay...where are u now...

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