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Ink's POV

I slowly waking up,because of the noises around me
My vision was still blurry,I saw a black blurry figure infront of me
I cleared my vision and it was Nightmare...
"AAAAHHH!!!" I screamed then almost fell to the ground but luckily I was catched by a tentacle and laid me back to this soft bed
"Wtf is wrong with you!?" He asked slightly yelled
I was confused at first
What even happened..
What am I doing here.
And now I suddenly remembered
I slowly sitting up but Error pushing me back
"Hey....what are u doing here and what's going on?" I asked quietly
"We'll leave you two from now,Killer and Dust let's go outside" Error said then exited the room,Killer and Dust followed from behind
Me and Nightmare are now just staring at each other...
He sat beside me with a chair

I looked away
"Stop staring" I bluntly said
"Why did u do that?" He asked
"What do u mean..." I asked,even tho I know what he was talking about
"I know u know" he simply said
"*scoffs* Why didn't u just let me die? Hm?
That's all what u wanted anyways..." I muttered
He sighed
"Look I'm sorry for everything what I've done to you..." He said
I looked at him
"You're kidding right?" I bluntly asked
He slowly shook his head 'no'
I looked away from him
"I don't believe you..
Nobody cares anyways..." I grumbled
"And what do you think are we doing now to you?" He asked,slightly mad
"Tsk,you're just gonna torture me again that's why,so I'd rather die than being with you all..." I paused
"Heh...King of Nightmares...Guardian of Negativity, cares about his enemy and slave" I finished in a mocking tone
He just rolled his eye
"Wanna join with us?
Error newly joined the gang earlier" he said
Error...? Really?
And maybe that's why Error was here...
I'm still looking away from him,still in my thoughts
He stood up then went to the door and opened it
" for a while
And take your time
It's also your choice if u wanna join us or just leave" he said quietly then exited the room

"Twisted Faith"(Ink x Nightmare/Inkmare Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now