Chapter 5

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Hi everyone. I am SUPER sorry that I haven't been on here for months. Uni is a handful along with finding a job. I've also moved and highly gonna be moving again soon so a lot has happened. 

Again VERY SORRY that I haven't been posting more chapters. I will continue
Love you all xx


*Y/n's Pov*

I held Katsuki's hand tight, this is what I was afraid of when coming back. I had a few 'problems' back in America, those problems weren't always about my quirks, having a pretty face isn't always fun and easy.
The men circled us and slowly were starting to get closer while I held Katsuki closer in fear, I wanted to help but who knows who is watching or working with, one move and my quirk or quirks will be out there and I would have to run again. "Now now little cutie, come with me and there won't be any problems" Katsuki held me closer, my head laying on his chest. I could hear his heart beating fast "Over my dead fucking body asshole" the men smirked "alright then" my eyes widen as I knew what he was gonna do "K-Katsuki" "Hold on tight to me" he whispered and I looked up at him confused "Kill him!" the man yelled and the other men pulled their guns out but not before Katsuki caused an explosion to make a dark smoke and the two of us in the air flying off from the group.

I could hear them yell and shooting as I clinged onto him more "K-Katsuki!" "We'll be fine just keep holding on!" he continued to fly us until I noticed he flinch. It took a while of rough flying before we landed on a street area, I noticed the area and saw we weren't actually far from where I'm living at the moment "Katsuki, thank you fo-" I turn to see him fall to the ground on his knees as he held his side, there was blood "Bakugou! Oh god what have I done!" I went down to him to see his injury "Dumbass this wasn't your fault" "Yes it was just shut up!" I started to tear up a little until I wrapped an arm around him and helped him stand up "We aren't far from my place, I'll fix you up and then you can head home"
We walked for only two minutes, Katsuki would speak but I didn't want to answer as I felt in shame from what happened. I could have done something, I could have...but I couldn't, and yet my best friend was in danger because of me...It's my fault his fault.

*Narrator Pov*

The two of you made it to your house, you unlocked it and instantly took Bakugou to your room to lay him on the bed, Bakugou refused the help, thinking he could get away with it but you wouldn't let him "Dumbass I'm f-fine" "No your not, take your shirt off and let me fix you" "Y/n I told you I'm FINE!" you had enough of it "JUST LET ME FIX YOU FOR ONCE!" he sat there in silent for a moment, you never yelled. You sat there quiet and in shock, you get up and walk to the door "I-I'll grab s-Some stuff t-to help the in-injury" you closed the door gently. You stood outside the door for a moment, angry at yourself for yelling at him "I shouldn't have come back" you whispered to yourself before walking to the bathroom to find the medical kit.
While you were gone Bakugou laid there in silent, he sighed for a moment. He heard your little whisper, he couldn't help but feel angry, sad and confused but he felt mainly sad. Sad for you, you didn't do anything wrong yet you blamed yourself, he didn't know why. He took his shirt off and waited for your return without a complain.

The door opened and you stepped in, the both of you not saying a word. You were cleaning him until he spoke up "You shouldn't be blaming yourself dumbass" he laid there without looking at you "I have to, this happened because of me" "It happened because of them bastards. You didn't do anything wrong" "I just stood there Katsuki, I stood there and did nothing. Your the one that taught me back then that I needed to learn to defend myself. And you were right, I need to so no one doesn't get hurt" You didn't look at him, you kept working on his injury. Once you wrapped him up Bakugou sat up, having you between his legs and him looking down at you. You kept your head down so he wouldn't see you, only to have his hand grab your chin gently and lifting it up to make you look at him "Yes you need to learn to defend yourself but there's nothing wrong with getting help from friends. I wanna help you get your freedom Y/n, even if it kills me" you stood up on your knees "Don't you dare say that line. If I die, I die that's it. If I die I want you to move on and be hap-" you were cut off with lips slamming on yours. Your eyes in shock before tears started running down again. You both stayed like that for a moment before Bakugou moved back a little and hugged you close "S-shut up, j-just...Please stop t-talking" You could feel him shake and hear his voice crack. You knew he was trying hard to not cry, he hated crying as it made him feel weak. 
You wrapped your arms around him and hid your face on his neck "I'm sorry Katsuki...I'm sorry" he hugged you tighter "I didn't love you for nothing Y/n. When you left and the years went by I thought you were never gonna come back. I thought you were going to abandon me like others did. But when you came back, you proven and reminded me that I am the most fucking luckiest guy in the world to have you" he moved back a little to place his forehead on yours while making some eye contact "Even after years apart I still like you Y/n, and I am asking you to stay with me. You will have people who love and care about you there, here your alone and unsafe. Come with me, let me protect you again"

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