Chapter 6

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*Bakugou's Pov*

After yesterday I was able to convince Y/n to live with me, I wasn't going to let her go again. But after yesterdays kiss, we never brought it up. 

While the Old Hag was helping Y/n get comfy, I sat in my room on my desk chair looking at old photos I had from when Y/n, myself and Deku were younger. I kept these because of her, she always made me feel unstoppable with that smile on her face, but now she doesn't show it, I hope I can change that. "Kastuki?" I turn to see Y/n at the door "Hey, you sorted out?" "Yeah. Thanks for this Katsuki, I needed this" "Of course you did dumbass" she giggled a little at my response but I could easily tell everything was still holding her down "Y/n you need to relax, everything is going to be fine, I'm not gonna let anything happen to you" she only sat there in silent "Don't you trust me dumbass?" "Of course I do it's just...your safety and life is what I'm worried about Katsuki. I know you like been all tough and strong but these are people that are bigger and more powerful then you think, I'm worried about you and your worried about me but when this shit is around I need to look after myself more ok? You can still protect me but I also need to defend myself" I sighed and got up to leave the room until she spoke up again "Katsuki one more thing" I paused without turning "About that...Kiss. Did you mean it?" I thought about it for a moment about what she said about her own safety and mine, she wanted me to be safe and I need to respect that. If those people found out we're a thing we will never go back from it and other that we care will be in danger too, in other words people getting involved with something they weren't part of. I have to lie "It meant nothing, it was just a way to shut you up" I still didn't look at her, my heart stung from saying that.

I love Y/n hard but lives are at risk cause of her in danger and I don't want her to blame herself again. Lying is the only way to get through it till it all ends...will it end?

-The Next Day-
*Narrator Pov*

The two of you were in class been lectured, Bakugou couldn't help but look at you sneakily a few times to check on you. Outside you looked fine and bored but on the inside you were hurt, badly hurt. You wanted everything to end, you didn't understand why insane people would have the audacity to steal someone and control EVERYTHING. You just wanted it all to end. 
But the school bell rung to call lunch, Deku appeared in front of you "Hey Y/n, wanna have lunch with us?" You thought of Bakugou for a moment but you remebred that you live with him and from his comment yesterday.
-Flash Back-
"It meant nothing, it was just a way to shut you up"
-End Of Flash Back-
"Yeah sure I'll join you" you gave him a little smile. Bakugou listening and watching, he grew angry that you chose to hang out with Deku but let it slide and wait till you both went home to have a chat. His heart aching more and the thought of your wanting to be with Deku more then him but he scratched it off.
"Hey Baku Bro, what's with the frownie face?" Bakugou stood up with his bag "None of your business Shitty Hair" "Aw come on man you know you can tell me, does it have to do with Y/n the new girl? You have been acting weird since she ar-" "I said NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" Kirishima stopped and Bakugou continued to walk.

-On The Way Home- 
*Y/n's Pov*

I said my fare well to Deku and the others, I looked for Bakugou but saw he was no where to be found. I decided to think he must have went home on his own, walking back I had a good look around the places I had to go by to get home, its nice to see the bright side of everything.
While walking back I felt like I was been watched, I turned to look back but saw nothing "It's just me thinking of it god" Having the feeling of been watched happened a lot while growing up.
As I continued to walk a explosion appeared in the city, people running and screaming "Villian attack!" I looked around and saw it was close, once I saw the villian I reacted but it was too late, it saw me "Hey you! I know you! Come Here you little shit!" I started running fast, avoiding the people to not have them get hurt.

I knew who this person was, he was one of the men that work for the main leader of who has been looking for me and my parents, the one also also killed my parents and also the one that is STILL hunting for me. 
I continued running away until he sent a Lava ball at a building and pieces of it were falling everywhere, some cutting my skin and clothes. I ran and ran until I was hit by something that sent me flying on the ground. "Looks like I'm gonna be rich once I send you in" He was about to do something before I spoke "I don't think so" it was time to defend myself.
I went invincible while leaving my school bag there. He looked around wondering where I could have gone until I made the street fire emergency water turn on and hit him hard to distract him. "Ah! you little shit where are you! Come out bitch!" Once he said I did come out but I touched him once while also hitting him a building pipe on the head "GAHH!" He ended up grabbing me by the throat and squeezed "Ha! you thought that would work?" he yelled at my face as I was losing air "Y-Ye-Yes" I spoke out. Once I did I saw his eyes start looking around before his head movement did that same "What's going on? Who's doing that?!" people didn't say anything and looked scared. While still losing air he brought me closer "Your doing this aren't you?" I didn't say anything until I heard my name get called out "Y/N!" I could hear explosion's get closer until the villain let me go and was sent away, causing me to fall on the ground out cold.
As I was slowly getting air back in my lungs I felt my body get picked up and above me was a blurry view of Katsuki "Y/n! Talk to me come on! Wake up damn it!" "I-I'm f-fi-fine" I spoke until I heard a loud scream, I turn and see the villain in fear and panic while swaying his arms and using his quirk to attack something that wasn't there "G-Get away from me!" 

My vison got better and I sat up a little but Katsuki held me close to him and made me stay seated as he watched in confusion while I knew and saw what was real going on.
"Leave me alone! No! STOP IT!" the villain looked at me, showing a lot of fear in his eyes "WHAT DID YOU DO YOU BITCH!" I smirked at him before raising my hand to give him the middle finger "Fuck you" I said before a cannon ball sized hole appeared on his chest, no person or weapon to be seen on where it came from. Katsuki watched in horror and confusion as the man fell dead on the ground and my vision went blurry again as I fainted.

"Y/N!" was the final thing I heard from Katsuki before it was pitch black.

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