Chapter 2

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*Narrator Pov*

It was the next morning and your mum noticed you were feeling gloomy and down. You weren't smiling anymore and you didn't each much of your dinner and breakfast "Sweetie are you ok?" she stopped and crouched to be at your level "Baby you didn't eat much last night and this morning along with not much talking or smiling...what's wrong?" "Do we really have to move away?" your mum's eyes widen "You heard?" you nodded and she sighed "We're really sorry sweetie, we really are. But your safety is the most important along with your future" "What did you and daddy do to make this happen?" she paused for a moment before responding "You wouldn't understand at this time baby girl but we will tell you or you will find out in the future, I promise you that. But like I said your safety is very important. We don't want it to end up with you been taken away from us and us not knowing what is happening to you" he pulled you in for a hug as she noticed the little tears coming down your cheeks "We are very sorry sweetie, if only we could go back in time to change it then this wouldn't have happened, but we can't" she pulled away and whipped your tears away "Now, try not to show sad you in front of your friends ok?" you nodded since you didn't want them to be sad too.

By now you were in class and at the same table and chair but this time Midoriya came in a bit early "Hey Y/n how a-oh are you ok? You look sad" "I'm fine Midoriya just...just had a problem at home" you looked down at your hands to make no eye contact "Like what?" "Nothing" "Come on Y/n you can tell me anything, your my best friend" that line made you start tearing up again, you tried to hide it but your shoulders weren't helping when they shook "Y/n?" you instantly pulled him in for a hug and cried "I have to move away Midoriya...I have to move to America because of my parents reasons but I don't want to leave you and Bakugou" He stood there in silent before hugging you back until you both heard another voice "Your leaving me?" you peek up and see Backugou standing there with a blank face and the corner of his eyes slightly tearing up "B-Bakugou...I don't want to leave though" Bakugou continued to stand there and let the tears run down his face, you suddenly felt the guilt run over you as you tried to hug him but he stood back away from you along with catching everyone's attention "Wait your leaving school Y/n? Wow finally, a freak like you isn't worth having here anyway" the kids started to laugh at you again while the teacher tried to act like she was helping you while Midoriya was telling everyone off but you couldn't help it, you just wanted it all to end, you wanted to be left alone "Stop it...s-stop..please.." the tears continued to run down hard while you tried to cover your ears to stop hearing the laughter "Please....STOP!" You screamed out until everyone stopped "Where did she go?" "She suddenly vanished" you looked at your self, your quirk had come out...'Invincibility'. At that moment you ran past everyone even though they could hear you running and seeing the door open and slam close "Wait Y/n!" you faintly heard Bakugou scream out but you continued to run until you were hidden.

You ended up running into the spot you and Bakugou went to yesterday afternoon. you sat there and cried, seeing that you were not invincible anymore but you didn't care. Your were in pain, your heart ached in pain from the sudden experience "This is unfair *hick up* I h-hate my life...this is probably why I-I'm a loner" you cried more while curled as a ball until you felt arms suddenly wrap around "Damn it you stupid girl...that isn't true" you didn't bother look at who it was, knowing it was Bakugou "Shouldn't you be with them? And why are you hugging me? You didn't want to be near me back there nor help Midoriya stop everyone from picking on me" you felt his arms go tighter around you and you could feel his tears staining your shirt "I d-didn't mean to t-turn out like was the su-sudden news. Yesterday I j-just confessed to you a-and *sniffles* your gonna leave me" "But like I s-said I don't want to leave" he turned you around and hugged you better while you both continued to cry "Then Y/n can you promise me one more thing?" "Anything" "Promise me you will come back in the future...I want you to see me become the number one hero" you giggled a little before nodding "I promise to come back. You also promise me" "Yes anything" "You and Midoriya look out for each other, and....don't forget me" "I'd never forget you, you mean a lot to me" he hugged you more and you did the same "Y/n, I'm sorry I acted that way to you, I promise I won't do it again" he pulled away and started cleaning your face "It's ok, I forgive you Katsuki" you gave him a little smile before giving him a kiss on the cheek, his face turning red like yesterday "G-Good". 

-End Of The Day-

Through out the remain of the day the boys did everything they could to make you feel better, from little jokes to drawings to giving you hugs. You felt grateful to have them in your life, while you both sat near the exit of the school your mum arrived "I gotta go now guys...I don't know when we would move or anything but...not matter what, lets not forget each other and I promise we will meet again in the future" you gave Midoriya a hug before going to Bakugou and giving him a long good hug before whispering "I'll continue to promise you about the charm Katsuki" he nodded and hugged you a little tighter before moving back and holding your hands "Keep my promises and I keep yours" you quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek before running off to your mum and leaving Bakugou a little red but yet...a crack on his heart.

"I'll miss you a lot Y/n, until the future"

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