Chapter 1

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*Narrator Pov*

You held your mums hand while walking to the school, you didn't like going to school but you were happy about having two friends...male friends.
You were a very shy kid back then, you always had trouble talking to people and standing up for yourself when you get picked on. Your dad wasn't happy with the idea of you having male friends and no female friends but the reason why you had two male was because the girls made fun of you for handing out the popular kid...and that kids name was Bakugou Katsuki. He's quirk amazed everyone and he suddenly became the popular boy. 

"Alright sweetie, be a good girl today ok? And please....Find at least one girl to be friends with so we don't have your father throwing a tantrum again" she kissed your cheek before letting you walk in your classroom and sitting at a empty table at the back "They don't get me...they don't care" you whispered with your arms crossed and a little pouty face.
"Hey look who's at the loner table!" one of the boys pointed at you and the kids started laughing at you, you didn't react but you layed your head on your arms on the table "Children please! No bulling!" the kids ignored the teacher and continued to laugh and point until a girl came up "Did your so called 'friends' ditch you? We told you that you were boring" she continued to point at you with everyone laughing, until... "HEY!" along with the yell was a little explosion, small but loud enough to make everyone go quiet "No body makes fun of my friend except me!" you looked to see if was Bakugou, you smiled a little and not minding what he said, you were just glad he was here and told everyone off for picking on me.
He walked up to me with Midoriya behind before coming to sit next to you and giving you a little hug "Thanks guys" you quietly spoke "Its ok Y/n, you don't deserve that kind of behaviour from everyone, and Kacchan you didn't have to say only 'you' can pick on her" "Come on Deku, you know I only meant it in a friendly way and Y/n knows that right?" Bakugou gave you a smile which smiled a little back and nodded "Yeah, I knew you meant it like that" he nodded with his smile a little bigger "Also Y/n, you need to learn on how to defend yourself"  you sighed and looked down "I know b-but I'm scared" "You shouldn't be scared though Y/n" Midoiya spoke up before your teacher spoke up to start class. Both of the boys sitting next to you.

-End Of The Day-

The boys were able to make your day better as always, you three were playing around in the playground until Midoriya's mother came in and picked him up, giving you a quick hug goodbye and a wave to Bakugou. "Hey Y/n, can I talk to you secretly for a moment. I don't want anyone else to hear it but you" you blushed a little "S-Sure, lead the w-way" Bakugou grabbed your hand and lead you to the garden, in a spot that hides the both of you and a bit far from the other kids. You both sat down and started talking "So what did you want to tell me Katsuki?" you looked at him with your hands on your lap nervously, you could see a little red on his cheeks "I-I wanted to t-tell you that umm...I wanted to t-tell you that...I li-like you a-and I want to continue t-to be with you i t-the future" he looked away with his face red as a strawberry with his palms sweating up a little that was accidentally setting off his quirk. You quickly grabbed his hands to calm him down "I-I like you t-too Katsuki but...what i-if you stop l-liking me in the future?" you looked down at your hands on his with a sad face until you got pulled into a tight warm hug "I would NEVER stop liking you Y/n....your the only person that deals with my personality better then everyone else, you always make sure I'm ok both inside and outside. You don't treat me like everyone else here does, and in the future...I don't care if you might come out chubby or ugly or whatever...your still you, and I'll ALWAYS like you. And to make that promise..." he pulled away and gave you a charm of a heart that changes colour based on your emotions "I saw these and mum told me they change colour based on your emotions...and because it's a heart I wanted to give it to you and to hold it through out the future" he turned your hand to show your palm before placing the charm on it ad closing your hand "Promise me you will keep this until the future, even if something bad happens to us like moving away or changing school or whatever...keep it until we meet again. Promise?" you held his hand more and nodded "I promise to keep it until the future" he nodded and smiled, making you smile until you heard your mum call you out and same with Bakugou's mum. "Don't forget it and don't let anyone see if but you and me" you nodded before he suddenly kissed your cheek and stood up to find his mum, you blushed red before you got up and ran to your mum "Ready to go home sweetie?" you looked at you mum and nodded with a smile "Yes mummy" you held her hand and started walking home due to you not living that far from school.

By the time you got home you saw your dad having a panic attack while packing things quickly, your mum reacted and started talking to him but they moved into their room with the door closed so you wouldn't hear them. You walked to your room and placed the charm in a spot that only you know where to find it, you smiled at the charm as you thought of Bakugou and the kiss he gave you on the cheek until your thoughts were interrupted by your dads louder yell, you quietly went to their door to listen carefully "What do you mean they know?" you heard your mother yell back "I mean they know (Mum's Name)! Those idiots are still fucking chasing us just because of our past and our quirks and the worst part....They want to take (Y/n) just because she is combined with ours and yet she hasn't gotten it yet but we know she will VERY soon and so do they. (Mum's Name)...this is our baby they want to take away and not have the perfect childhood...she doesn't deserve this that is why we have to move away and I mean away to another country" you gasped but quickly covering your mouth. "Where then (Dad's Name)? She just started school like 6 months ago and has two friends...she's going to be hurt from this news but yet...her safety is more important. I'll start looking at houses but where?" "America, they won't find us there and we can't contact anyone here cause they will track us" your mum made a sigh "God damn it (Dad's Name)...this isn't fair for her and this was out fault" you started hearing your mum cry while your dad must have started comforting her as he sounded more quiet and so did her sobs "I know babe...I know. But we're gonna get through this and make sure she has a better future" 
You ran to your room and hid in your closet to cry in the darkness, making sure your parents wouldn't hear you.


Hey guys!
Welcome back and I have started a new story yay!
I hope you all enjoy this one as well :D xx - Shay

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