Been a LONG time

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Hey guys...

I know, it's been a year and I'm really sorry. I honestly can't finish the Bakugou series as I forgot what to write to finish it. Again really sorry.

What I've been up to:
I graduated from Uni (college) and have been working through Christmas, which got me to stay in the job. Now looking for another job while attending a new study course.
I have also been making more art and animation, and even writing a story that I hope to make happen somewhere. 

So with this message. I'm letting you guys know that I will make small stories based on characters from My Hero Academia, Jujutsu Kaisen, Attack On Titan, One Piece, etc. They will have their own 'Story' for the anime the character is in to make it easier.
I also maybe...MAYBE make new stories if I feel like it (because my mind would be focused on my other big story) but you will see :)

Again, really sorry that I was gone for a year and such. But I need to write more as I enjoy it, plus you guys tell me you enjoy what I made and I'm really glad you guys love it. <3
If I disappear Im sorry again, but mainly I still love writing so I don't plan to be gone forever FOREVER aha.
If there is a character you have in mind, be sure to leave a story scenario if you have one in mind :)

Thank you all for your support, I love you all again...Sorry I disappeared :(

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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