Chapter 4

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-Hours Later-
*Y/n's Pov*

After finally reuniting with Midoriya and Bakugou I felt safe and happy, I haven't been happy for ages. Since my parents were murdered I never really smiled but when I'm with the boys my smile comes out, mostly because of Bakugou...he still has my heart after been separate for years. Is that something love does? I wonder...

"Oi dumbass" I get out of my zoned out mind and look to my right, it was Bakugou "Class is over, stop over thinking shit and lets go" "Go where?" I asked while grabbing my things and placing them in my bag before getting up from my desk "I'll walk you home but I also thought you might wanna do a bit more catching up without everyone else" he looked to the side a little with a small blush forming. It's so cute when he does that "Aww, I'd love that Bakugou" "Katsuki.." "Pardon?" "Call me by my name lets go already" his blush formed a bit more before he turned and went towards the door along with my following him. 
I followed him for a while until he stopped at a cafe "Lets eat here, I'm sure you would want to know more about what's been happening with my life" I smiled and nodded "Defiantly", we walked in and ordered out food and drinks before sitting at a spot and looking at each other "So, tell me everything Katuski, what have I missed?" I placed my hands on my hands with my elbows on the table, looking at him with excitement and wonder "Well, firstly Deku isn't quirkless anymore and that pissed me off a lot" I looked at him confused "Wait, how?" "I don't know and he won't say shit about it" "And your pissed off about him having a quirk because?" "He wants to be the number one hero....that's what I want" I looked at him with a nod "That's right, I remember you talking about it back when we were kids" he also nodded before he continued on about his life, things like his parents, school and his time starting U.A High. I smiled a lot more when he mentioned about people he became friends with, like that Kirishima guy for example. 

I'm really glad he has made new friends, he needs them. "Hey Y/n, I saw that your wearing the charm I gave you back then. I honestly thought you would have given up on it" he grabbed my hand that had the bracelet I was wearing that had the charm on it, I blushed at his hand touching mine, it feels soft and warm "Why would I give on it? We made a promise remember? And I tend to keep it...unless you want to give up on it" his hand held mine tighter "No, I only make promises when I mean it, a-and I meant it when I said w-we would b-be to-together" his hand looked down and his eyes focusing on our hands touching while his blush was forming brighter red "Heh, your so cute Katsuki" "Sh-sh-shut up dumbass! I'm not cute, I'm cool!" I laughed at his comment, he's still the sweet and cute boy I feel for back then. Even though people say he looks scary, he has a sweet and caring heart. He just has a heard time showing affection to people that's all. 
By then our orders were given to us and we thanked the lady that gave it to us. As me and Katsuki were eating and continuing our chat a stranger walks up to us. It was a man who looked like he was drunk or on drugs "Hey they hot stuff" I didn't say anything and neither did Bakugou until the guy slammed his hand on the table and grabbed my chin to look at him "Look at me when I'm talking to you bitch!" "OI! Get your filthy hands off her!" Katsuki smacks the guys hand away from my face and I quickly move away "I wasn't talking to you little shit" "Obviously she didn't want aything to do with you cause she didn't look at you or respond so why don't you fuck off or do I have to make you?" I quickly grab Katsuki's hand as it fists tight, I could feel him calming down a little until they stranger left the cafe and the staff apologizing to us.
"Come on Katsuki, lets get out of here and head home ok?" I looked at him but his eyes still showed anger and was aiming at the door the stranger left through "Sure" he responded before we grabbed our bags, thanked the staff and left.

*Bakugou's Pov*

I couldn't stop thinking about that piece of shit that touched Y/n, bastards like him need to be taught a lesson. I could feel Y/n's soft hand holding mine while we walked to her place, I could kind of feel the nervous shaking from her hand from earlier, she doesn't deserve stuff like this. Only I can touch her, no one else. As we were walking I felt this feeling of us been watched, I pulled Y/n in towards me more "Katsuki, is everything ok?" I whisper towards her ear "Keep walking, I feel like we're been watched" she nodded and we continued to walk until three men stepped out, blocking the path while another three blocked the way we came from. Y/n's hands wrapped around me in with fear in her eyes "K-Ka-Katsuki" I wrapped my arms around her more and tight "It's alright, I won't let shit happen to you I promise"  I talk back to her before we hear a laugh "Well, hello again Mr 'Little Shit' and, hellloooo sexy" the man from earlier stepped out with a smirk "Tch, you again. Knew I should have beaten the shit out of you" he laughed at my comment before he clicked his fingers, causing the other men to start stepping forward, my arms and Y/n's arms tightening each other. Me been protective and Y/n in fear.

Hey guys, I am soooooo sorry for the late chapter. Uni has been REALLY busy.
I am thinking about starting another story about characters with reader during Christmas or other seasons or both with other moments idk you guys tell me lol.

I hope your all been safe and enjoying your time especially when Christmas is arriving YAY!

Merry Christmas Everyone! xx
Love From Shay 

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