Chapter 15

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Another year later
authors pov

Minsung was finally married, and well hyunjin had a big night planned for both him and felix. Minsung just recently moved out because Minho got offered a modeling position for a huge modeling company. It was very quiet at there house but it was nice.

Hyunjin pov
present day

Tonight.. well tonight was a very nerve racking night. So many things could go wrong but i'm Hwang Hyunjin i can make it work. The thing i'm least worried about is dinner but after i'm nervous i won't be prepared.

I heard my phone ringing downstairs. "HEY JINNIE SOME NO CALLER ID- woah" felix said walking into our shared room. My heart dropped i thought i looked bad. "You looks so amazing" he looked speechless. I mentally patted myself on the shoulder. "Hey get ready we are going out tonight" I laughed hugging the smaller boy. He nodded "LET ME OUT" he yelled once i hugged him for too long. I let go of him and he was mumbling stuff under his breath, which is a habit he has when he's getting ready. Another thing i find adorable about him.

(a/n litterly it's so cute- i mean i do it but like watching someone do it idk it's cute to me-)

I heard my phone ring once more so i grabbed it. Still someone with no caller ID. I shrugged and just answered. That voice i haven't heard in forever and should've never heard again. The voice i was happy but dreading to here. But very confused she died i thought why is she on the phone.

3rd person POV
skip to dinner

Both boys were dressed up very fancy. Hyunjin was so anxious. Minho kept trying to give him courage but nothing was helping.

Felix still couldnt believe hyunjin was his. He was absolutely stunning, ethereal is the right word.

"You good babe" hyunjin whispered. Felix nodded and jsut smiled. He always felt so happy around hyunjin they could be doing nothing but he always felt so happy something he was thankful for.

The food came and the rest of the dinner was filled with talking and laughter.

The time has come the time hyunjin was so anxious for. He was holding the box in his hand, his palms were sweaty as hell.

"Let's go on a walk ok" hyunjin smiled grabbing felix hand. "First i need to go to the car" hyunjin ran to the car wanting to grab his other present he got for felix.

Felix pov

I sat on the bench watching hyunjin carefully making sure he was ok. He didn't take to long he grabbed a little bag. He sprinted back towards me with a smile on his face.

"Open this" he said out of breathe sitting on the bench next to me. I looked at him and slowly opened the bag. I opened it and there was a beutiful necklace in there. "H-hyunjin no you shouldn't have" i said tears filling my eyes. "Shh babe let me put it on" hyunjin whispered in my ear. I nodded quickly and turned around.

Once the necklace was on he jumped up and put his hand out. I grabbed his hand and we started walking. It was beautiful outside the breeze was just right and so was the temperature.

I could tell hyunjin looked disturbed looking across the road. In the middle of a road there was a dog that clearly looked hurt.

Hyunjin saw a car coming i tried to stop him but i couldn't he had to save the dog. The car was to fast for him to get away in time. In a split second hyunjin was on the ground.

I could feel the adrenaline in my body rise as i ran over to the limp body of my lover. I saw the dog in his arms that he protected whining as it been clearly hurt too.

Hyunjin wasnt responding. I kept shaking and shaking and nothing. I was screaming like a manic the person in the car came out. "Holy shit" the person mumbled. "Help" i looked at them and cried. They nodded and dialed 911.

"They said start doing cpr" the person yelled. I nodded and started. I looked over and saw a box. The tears were falling so fast out of my eyes. "C-can you take over" i stumbled over my words. The person nodded and i put his head on my lap rubbing it. Whispering and praying he'll be ok.

I pulled my phone out and called my brother. He immediately answered.

Mh: lix why are you breathing so heavy and why are there sirens

FX: h-hyunjin g-got h-h-hit by a car

Mh: Holy fuck text me the hospital when you know it

Fx: o-ok

i hung up the phone and threw it on concrete. "Baby come back" i whispered.

An ambulance finally arrived after what felt like forever. I grabbed the dog and the box and brought the stuff with me in the ambulance.

I texted my brother letting him know where we were going.

at the hospital

we were running in the stretcher and they only let me go so far before the ripped me away from him. My brother was there and gave me a hug quieting the cry's that were leaving my mouth.

He took me outside and calmed me down. I grabbed the box and opened it. "H-h-he" i stumbled on my words. I saw the ring in the box. I looked over at jisung who was also crying. "I wouldve said yes baby" i laughed sliding the ring on my finger. I looked at both the boys looking at me.

I felt something in my stomach, like something horrible happened. It didn't feel right at all. I looked back and minho was trying to get me not to. I saw nurseres running.

I ran into the door pushing minho off of me. "I-is it h-hyunjin" i yelled. "Yes sir it is now if you can please move he really needs help" the nurse said. I stumbled back into the door. Minho once again grabbing me.

"He's gone i know he is" i mumbled. "Lix don't say that" minho said squatting. "No minho i can feel it" i cried. "Min hes gone" i yelled hitting his chest.

"Are you guys the Lee's" the nurse said walking outside. Minho stood up nodding. "I'm so sorry" the nurse started and another loud sob left my mouth. "Hyunjin is gone" they simply said. "His room is A03" she said before walking inside.

I walked inside and the nurse that was speaking to me lead me into the room. I choked on my tears. "Baby just know i said yes ok, i would and will always say yes" i cried kissing his hand. "I'll give you guys time" i heard the nurse say to minho walking out.

"Jin" minho breath hitched as him and jisung walked over. "Min" i cried. "He's gone" i whispered. "He's gone just like that" i mumbled shaking my head.

I grabbed his hand kissing it again.

The love of my life is gone. This world truly does hate me...

The end~


but stay tune for book two hehe

speaking of ppl getting hit by cars IM STILL WAITING FOR B ME MV- WHAT TF HAPPENED TO MINHO, yk in the thingy they do have the part when minho got hit by the car played when ff hyunjin did in the story

^ really think abt it on track and B ME are a whole ass wattpad story- like minho and the girl in love- hyunjin in love with the girl- AND I THINK JEONGIN IS IN LOVE WITH HYUNJIN- or wants his bsf back but let's stay with the gay way OFKSKF- then like yk minho gets hit by a car (i still think jeongin did it) and HYUNJIN AND MINHO CLEARLYYY HATE EACH OTHER- i might be wrong but it makes sense

also who do o you think hyunjin was on the phone with

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