Chapter 5: Present day...

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(Location: Sheriff’s Station)

I never noticed that a sheriff’s department, has so many rooms. Its unbelieveable, even though I was following Connor it still felt like I would get lost. The only time I thought I would be in a sheriff’s department, is when I broke a law or something.

"Excuse me sir but I had a question about a certain car wreck," Connor says to the officer behind the front desk.

"I am not able to give out any information, sorry young man," the officer says.

"Its fine, thank you for your time," Connor says politely and walks away from the desk.

We walk out of the building, and I pull Connor to the corner of the building.

"I got a plan, but I need you to trust me," I look up at him.

"You’re not thinking of breaking into a sheriff’s department?" Connor says.

"I wouldn’t consider it breaking in, more like taking a peek at some files," I smile.

"Okay, but please don’t get me locked up," he jokes and I giggle.

"Awe someone’s afraid of getting in trouble," I smirk.

"C’mon tell me what to do," Connor smiles.

I nod and tell him the plan I came up with. We walk back inside the station.

"Excuse me sir sorry to bother you again, but would it be possible to use your restroom?" Connor asks and the officer looks at him nodding his head. Leading him to the men’s restroom.

"Thank you sir," Connor smiles slightly.

I follow Connor into the restroom, and we hide in a stall. "Now we just have to wait till everyone leaves, then we go look through the file room," I say.

"So what do we do till then?" he asks looking at me.

"We can just talk if you want," I smile small.

"Yeah, sure," Connor says.

We don’t talk for a few minutes, then I finally speak.

"Hey Connor?" I say soft.

"Yeah?" he replies and looks at me.

"That day at school, in Literature. Why did you give me your paper? I know you said that you like helping out a friend but why me? We barely know each other," I look up at him.

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