Chapter 1:"Black Roses; Let's Bid Them Farewell!"

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Before 17 years:

Location: Karachi (Pakistan)

Date:25th Of July

Time: 1:00am

Third Person's P.O.V

Thunder was loud. Dark and wicked. Clouds gathered the inky sky and lightening struck. Nature was disrupted in chaos as the glooming death approached the streets of silent streets of Karachi. This city is known as "City of lights" because of it's glittering beauty and tittle-tattling people, who are night owls, they love exploring the murkiness. The people of this city are sucker for celebration, not once leaving an opportunity to be a part of any festivity.

But as Benjamin Smith walked down the street of Karachi towards his house, he couldn't see the usual liveliness of this city. People were not talking in obnoxious voices, there were no late night cricket matches being held by youngsters. Roads were empty, there wasn't a single vehicle in sight. It was too silent, almost deafening.

The night was calm, unlike the usual nights and this didn't give him any sense of peace. He was unaware about the lurking death in the shadows. The taunting whispers of the evil, he wasn't prepared for it. Soon, he reached his small apartment. Looking around his hushed street, he opened the door of his house with a set of jingling keys and entered inside. Putting the steaming food on top of the kitchen counter, he turned the lights on.

It was one in the morning. Owls hooted outside his house, sitting on the sleeping trees. Winds howled as the thunder approached the darkened night. Leaves rustled noiselessly and death stood proudly.

"Salam." A voice called. Benjamin quickly turned around, his senses high on alert. His eyes were calm as he assessed his surroundings but once his eyes locked with a pair of black ones, he smiled, sighing in relief.

"Zaahid," He called out to his friend, "Scared me." He chuckled and moved to his friend. His accent was foreign because he belonged to China. He was learning English but it was still in bits and pieces. Zaahid embraced him in his arms and the two men met after a long time, relishing their old friendship.

"How are you?" Zaahid asked him.

"Fine." Zaahid nodded at his answer and moved to take the food out.

"Why here?" Benjamin questioned him. His eyebrows furrowed at his friend's sudden arrival. It was not safe for the both of them to meet and that too this late at night.

"We need to talk." His tone told Benjamin that something drastic had happened.

Taking their plates, they sat on the plush sofa in Benjamin's living room. Clock ticked with each passing second as the two sat and ate in silence.

"Farzana has died in a car accident." Zaahid said. His voice hoarse and filled with sorrow. His friend looked at him in deep grief and shook his head at the unfortunate loss. Farzana was Zaahid's wife. Benjamin understood why he came at his house because right now, there was no one there for him except Benjamin in Pakistan.

"I am sorry," These words were only uttered to fill the silence because Benjamin didn't know what to say at such an unfortunate event. They were trained to remain strong and brave because of the jobs they do. Death is inevitable but in their job, death is the result of their oath.

A knock was heard at the door, breaking the two men out of their train of thoughts. Benjamin stood up to answer the door and gave his friend some time to himself. The naive soul was unaware of the death that stood with waiting arms for him. He opened the door and came face to face with four soldiers. Guns in their hands as they stood with stoic faces before him. The sound of thunder filled the silent night and the harsh raindrops fell on the ground, the sound of their colliding with the concrete was so loud that for a moment Benjamin couldn't concentrate on what they were saying.

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