Chapter 11:"A Tale Of Woe Narrated By The Foe!"

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Istanbul (Turkey)


Silently the devil walked inside. His cold gaze locked with the little Muslimah who was deep into her slumber land. Her soft snores filled the silent room. He stood there watching her, observing that how easily she had let her guard down, not caring about the world around her. Her innocence and her naivety was something that irked his inner self because he could never be as laid back as the Muslimah was in that one moment and the devil envied that.

"Miss Durmaz," He called out her name in a slow manner but the Muslimah was far gone into her sleep. He checked his wrist watch and the clock was ticking. It was already very late and he had to go back because Abheer must be waiting for him. He once again called out her name, "Miss Durmaz," This time a little louder, not scaring her but enough to get her out of her sleep and it worked but not completely. Minahil stirred and for a moment he thought she was awake but after a minute, her light snores once again sounded making the impatient man sigh.

He was almost convinced to shake her shoulders a little but he had a feeling that she wouldn't like a man touching her, that too in such a vulnerable state. So, he tried for the last time for her sake.

"Miss Durmaz!" This time he did call her loudly. Minahil jumped at the sudden voice, falling down from her chair. Her wild eyes searched the room for any danger before landing on her boss. She could feel her heart thumping harshly in her chest and soon her surprised eyes turned into slits, glaring at the devil standing before her.

"What?" She asked. Her frustration seeping into her tone and she was too sleepy to even care at the moment.

He cocked a brow at her but her glare didn't falter.

"We need to leave," He said and started to walk out of the room. He could hear her mumbling behind him and Dominic was sure that she was mumbling about him angrily.


Minahil nervously tapped her foot on the floor. It was almost noon. Her gaze locked on the device that was held tightly in her hands.

You cannot run away from this. You have to accept the reality sooner or later. ~Musa

She wanted to slam her phone on the concrete but held herself back. Her anxious eyes reread the words continuously until her mind couldn't take it anymore. She put it back into her pocket and looked at the file that was silently glaring at her back. One look and it could change everything for her. She knew she was not ready for this but Minahil had no other option right now.

The clouds roared as if reflecting her anger. A storm was incoming and it was not safe for her to be outside at such an hour but that was her least priority at the moment. Dominic gave her off a little early and she thought to face her monsters with the free time now. That was why she sat in her old neighbour hood looking at the harsh waves clashing with each other.

Just behind was her old home, a place that she cherished with her whole heart. A place with so many memories that still pricked her broken heart. Mustering all the courage that she had, Minahil opened the file, whispering, "Hasbunallahu wa ni'mal-Wakil. ( 'Sufficient for us is Allah, and [He is] the best Disposer of affairs.)"

Minahil opened the file and her eyes landed on the bold letters that were printed on the forbidden paper.


Minahil closed her eyes in agony. Tears gathered in those pious orbs. Opening them once again, she began reading it. There were so much written in formal words and she could only understand bits and pieces of it but it was enough to give her the idea of what the file was talking about.

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