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How are you all?

Well, there is something which I needed to inform you guys. I don't know if many of you guys know it or not. But recently in India a brutal accident took place. There was a girl and her name was Asafia, she was just 7 or 8 years old. Due to religious believes, she was ruthlessly gang raped continuously for 6 to 7 days in a temple and than was murdered.

Similarly some months back there was another case which took place in Pakistan. The girl's name was Zainab and she too was raped but not gang raped. She was raped not because of religious belief's but just to satisfy the need of the monster. She was also raped for 4 to 6 days and was tortured both physically and mentally.

These two angels were unaware of the dangers that were surrounding them. Their mistake was just that they trusted the devils who were disguised as angels. Their pure hearts didn't warn them that what the man in front of them was capable for. They blindly followed them because there hearts were as pure as anything can be.

I just wanted to tell you guys that there must be children around you, please make sure that they don't go with any strangers, warn them about the dangers lurking near them. These pure souls couldn't save them because there was no one to tell them but we can save other kids, we can prevent the monsters who are just waiting for one mistake for us to make and that will be all for them.

Now, it's high time that we protect those who are around us. Just think about the parents who had lost their kids because of such brutal acts. Think about the pain that they are going through. Think about the torture that those kids went through, and lastly think about the screams they have made just so they could be free but no one was there to hear them.

No one deserves such agony and especially not children. In their age, all they should feel is just happiness, pure happiness. They are the one who can bring smile on thousand faces by just their smile but sadly those thousand faces can never bring back the happiness they once felt.

All I want to say is that be alert when you are near kids, not just some one you know but for kids whom you don't know a thing about. Make sure that they are safe whether you are in mall, park, school or anywhere. Just keep an eye on these little angels, they can't defend themselves alone. We have to be their armor!

This time instead of words, do some action and InshaAllah the world will change!

For more info check out this link:http://www.dw.com/en/rape-and-murder-of-eight-year-old-divides-jammu-and-kashmir/a-43379081

Take care.

Till next time,


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