Chapter 1

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"What's the matter boy?" Phoebe pulled on her dog's lead, holding him closer to her. Casper strained at his leash, his heckles raised, a deep, rumbling growl left his throat. The closer they got to the house, the more nervous Casper seemed to be, straining on his leash, "what on earth is the matter?" Because of Casper's behaviour the more anxious Phoebe grew. Casper was a rather huge Alsatian and not much bothered him, his character was usually one of a laid-back deck chair. Phoebe knew there must be something wrong.

Finally, they reached the bottom of the driveway, the front door was wide open; Phoebe frowned... she hadn't left it open... had she? Her heart quickened in pace and her mouth became suddenly dry. Casper feeling his owner's loss of grip on his leash, took advantage and was off; he sped into the house growling and barking. "Wait, no... come back!" Phoebe screamed but to no avail, without thinking Phoebe chased after him but stopped just inside the front door. Her gaze met utter carnage; her house had been ransacked.

There was no hallway, the front door led straight into the living room and it appeared to have had a troop of police trample through it. All her books and dvds had been dragged from the shelves and scattered over the floor. The leather sofas had been slashed leaving their foam contents had spilling out. Photographs and pictures had been taken from their hanging places on the walls and smashed to the floor.

Phoebe could hear Casper running from room to room upstairs, his paws padding loudly on the wooden floors. "Casper!" she called her dog, nervous for him and herself. Slowly, Phoebe moved from the living room into the small dining room that led to an even smaller kitchen. The sideboard contents were scattered on the ground, broken plates, glasses and crockery crunched under her feet. The kitchen appeared to be a scene from a horror film, like a poltergeist had visited, leaving every drawer and cupboard door open. It was difficult to take it all in, Phoebe could do nothing but stare at her home in horror it was just too unbelievable.

Finally, Casper returned from upstairs and found his mistress standing completely still. He nuzzled his nose into her hand that hung loosely at her side. "Well boy looks like we've had unwelcome company...!" Deep down Phoebe knew who had done it, she knew who had entered her home and turned it upside down and inside out. She knew that things had been worse lately, she knew that Josh had stepped up his antics. However, never, did she think that he would do this. Moving from stalking and being a general nuisance to this was quite a huge leap, a dangerous one... if he was capable of this, what might he do next?

Phoebe looked to where the phone hung on the wall in the kitchen, numbly she lifted it from its cradle only to discover that the phone line had been cut. She felt a strained, strange giggle well up inside her and almost spill out. Taking a deep breath she ran a shaking hand through her long blonde hair, now was not the time to lose control and break down. She replaced the phone back in its cradle. Taking her mobile phone from her back pocket, she rang for the police. After talking to the police operator for a while and giving her endless details, Phoebe was assured the police would be there as soon as possible, however they were experiencing a high volume of calls at the moment, 'when aren't they?' Phoebe thought.

Next, Phoebe used her phone to call her mum, and after a few tears and sobs she told her what had happened.

"Are you alright? Are you in the house? Are you sure no one is inside still? Have you called the police?" Phoebe's mum didn't breathe or allow for answers to her questions.

"If you let me speak mum...?"

"Sorry dear..."

"Yes I've called the police, they'll be here as soon as possible, and no I don't think anyone is still here, Casper's with me. I think I know who's done it... what am I going to do?"

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