Chapter 21

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Just as the police were about to leave, Phoebe stopped them, "wait, did you find Josh?"

"No mam"

"What nothing, nobody? No sign of him?"

"That's a pretty long drop miss, we've alerted the coastguards, it's in their hands now."

"But how do we know if he's not still out there?"

"I'm pretty sure no one can survive that love" James interjected.

"You don't know, I mean, you ever watched those movies, they always come back."

James pulled Phoebe into him and held her close, "this isn't a movie lover, there's no way he's coming back from that fall."

The police made their way out and left promising to return and check on them in a day or two. James wanted to take Phoebe to the hospital she was covered in cuts and bruises, but she insisted all was fine, nothing broken.

It was true, Phoebe's body ached every muscle hurt, every movement hurt, "I need a bath" she left James and his mother talking in the kitchen. To say that this evening had been horrific was an understatement, and Phoebe wasn't convinced that Josh was dead, she couldn't shake the feeling that this wasn't over. She made her way upstairs and went about having a bath, that needed to be at least the temperature of the sun. Casper stayed by his master's side and would plonk himself down in an area where he could observe Phoebe and yet hear everything going on around them.

Undressing in the bedroom, there was no sign of Kitty and the letter from Tommy lay scattered on the floor as if a gust of wind had sent it falling. The bedroom was its normal temperature, as in not a ghost cold temperature, it was strange to think that she would see no more of Kitty yet Phoebe hoped she had found some comfort and maybe even peace after all these years, that is, if that is even possible, Phoebe was no paranormal specialist. Phoebe picked up the letter and placed it back on the desk. She looked out of the window, the storm was abating, yet the sea could still be heard crashing against the rocks. There wasn't much of the night left. Phoebe soaked in the bath until her skin turned to something akin to a prune, the hot water had eased some of the soreness away, half asleep Phoebe found an old t-shirt slipped it on and slumped into bed. She had no idea where James was or anyone else, and for that moment she was too tired to care. Phoebe fell into a troubled sleep.

There was an irritating persistent knocking sound at her door, that Phoebe knew was her bedroom door, and just wished it would cease so she could carry on with her sleep; but it didn't. Phoebe rolled over and pulled a pillow over her head determined to ignore whoever it was knocking. "Phoebe, Phoebe, love it's midday, and you won't sleep tonight." Why do mums say that? Of course, she'll sleep tonight, she could sleep for a week!

Phoebe just groaned in response.

"I've bought you a cup of tea, come on... I've put it on the table here."

Phoebe lifted her hand and just gave a thumbs up. She heard her bedroom door close, well, that's it, bloody awake now. Phoebe tossed the pillow from over her head to the floor, her hair was over her face and she did feel that she looked like something from out of the Grudge. Every movement hurt, her body couldn't have felt stiffer and more in pain as if she had fallen down a cliff, oh wait I did! The sun was even brighter than usual and beamed through the windows, today was completely different and Phoebe knew she should feel different, she should feel relieved and calm that it was finally all over. But something nagged at her, something didn't feel right, there was one thing for sure, the moment the police say they've found Josh's body she would feel and be a lot happier. Mind you knowing my luck he'll probably come back as a bloody ghost!

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