Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

Phoebe woke to Casper licking her face before leaping on the bed and almost crushing her. "All right, all right, I'm up!" Phoebe rolled herself into a sitting position she yawned, stretched and grimaced as she remembered everything that had happened the previous day. She groaned loudly, as she placed her head in her hands. Casper now lay sprawled out on the bed, taking up most of it. Phoebe had had a troubled sleep, it seemed she was awake every hour on the hour, before dozing off for more troubled nightmares.

The smell of cooking bacon wafted up the stairs. Casper's nose twitched before he leapt off the bed and ran towards the kitchen in hope of a cooked breakfast himself. Phoebe followed in a zombie like fashion.

It was Saturday and there were a hundred things to do and organize. Firstly, she would have to return home and start dealing with the mess; a job that she was not looking forward to.

"Morning love!" Betty placed a hot full English breakfast on the table along with the biggest mug of coffee Phoebe had ever seen. Casper loyally sat by his mistress, and looked at her with forlorn, begging eyes, dribbling... it wasn't attractive.

"Morning," Phoebe muttered, the breakfast smelled and looked great, however her appetite had deserted her and her stomach felt like it was tied in knots.

"Have you thought anymore about going to Cornwall?" Betty sat opposite her at the large oak kitchen table.

"I have actually, and I think that perhaps you're right, a breakaway might be the best thing, there's just so much to do beforehand."

"Well, good job you're not on your own, you've got me! I'm glad you've made the decision to leave, I've been thinking about it too, and I've already rang your aunt Martha again, she's very excited to see you and will be pleased for the help. She said she can pay you just a little, but you'll have no board to pay and three cooked meals a day. So, naturally I accepted on your behalf!"

"Naturally," Phoebe repeated little sarcastically." Phoebe gave a very grateful Casper a rasher of bacon, if anything to stop his disgusting dribbling. "It just seems very unfair, the very fact that I'm being chased from my own home, my own county it's just ridiculous!"

"Don't look at it like that, look at it like you're taking an unexpected, surprise prolonged holiday."

"And what about work? I can't just up and leave?"

"Why? because the whole factory will go down without you, I don't mean to be rude darling, but you are hardly a top heart surgeon who can't leave her post."

"No, but I have bills to pay and the job climate isn't exactly the best that I can leave one job and walk into another."

"Look, ring your boss and explain things, you might find she'll be very sympathetic; besides, I know her mother from the sewing club, I think you'll find her very understanding."

"God, this town gets smaller by the day." Phoebe rolled her eyes as she picked away at her breakfast sulking slightly that she was being organized by her mother, but secretly grateful.

"How am I going to get there?"

"I've thought about that too and I've decided to lend you Boris!" Phoebe choked on a mouthful of coffee she had just swallowed.

"Boris... are you sure? I mean, it's not that I'm not grateful but will he make it?" An image of Betty's old banger of a car, the pale green beetle flashed into her mind, it would take her days to get to Cornwall in that thing.

"I'll have you know he runs like a dream; he is up to date with all his services and is a very reliable motor very unlike the cars of today." Betty sniffed, she looked away hurt.

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