Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

James paced outside the hospital building he'd had no sleep for 24 hours, he was running on nervous energy and copious amounts of coffee. Phoebe had been in theatre and the bullet removed, now it was just a case of waiting, and that was something he did not do well. Watching her crumble to the ground was the most frightening, heart-wrenching moment he had ever been through and hoped never to go through that again. Rage and fear had overcome him, there was nothing that would have become between him and Josh, who fired his gun one last time just clipping James's shoulder but he didn't even feel it as he rushed forward and began punching and knocking Josh clearly to the ground, if it hadn't been for Ben pulling him off, Josh would have been pulverised beyond recognition.

Another police car turned up with sirens and blue lights blazing but it was all over. James had rushed back to Phoebe where she lay silently on the ground, her blood and life seeping from her, James fell to his knees and cradled her to him while the police called for an ambulance. Just by sheer will power and force James felt sure he could pass on his life force to her. Minutes felt like hours as they waited and wished for help when the air ambulance finally landed not far away. Soon James was ushered out the way as the Dr and Paramedics took over, attaching drips and securing Phoebe on a board. The looks between the Dr and his team did not go unnoticed by either James or Ben, they worked fast and clinically as Phoebe's skin turned to a paler shade of white.

"Heard anything?" Ben had come to stand next to James who was completely lost in his reverie of trauma.

"She's out of surgery, we just have to wait now for her to wake up." James accepted another cup of coffee that Ben held out to him, "Josh? What about him?"

"He's pretty beat up, he's under guard as the Drs check him over."

"His mother turned up?"

Ben sipped at his coffee, "sort of?"

"Sort of?" James repeated, clearly confused.

"Turns out his mother died years ago; he's been carrying her ashes round with him. We found his place he was hiring an air b and b not far from your mum's place. It's pretty bonkers his mother's clothes are mixed in with his, so we assume..."

"He dressed up as his mother?"

"Something like that, way out of my understanding but I believe he's clinically insane, to put it in a correct term."

"What will happen to him?"

"Locked up and the key thrown away hopefully, don't worry about him, it's over. Why don't you go home get showered and take a nap, I'll wait here and if she wakes up, I'll call you straight away."

"Thanks, but I kind of just want to hang out here just in case she wakes up. I want to be here when that happens."

"Look, from what I can gather, she's still pretty knocked out on meds she won't wake up for hours if not for a couple of days, go, take a break and I promise I'll call you."

James looked at Ben as he thought, it's funny what a few days can do, not long ago he couldn't stand the sight of the bloke, and now he was listening to him. "Ok, but you'll call if anything changes, anything!"

"Yep, sure will." Ben had seen a few long shifts in his time but never had seen a guy look so tired, wired and drawn out.

James just nodded and headed towards his car, he didn't want to leave Phoebe, but he saw the sense in it, besides he must look like he'd been in a car accident, his clothes were torn and bloody, just the sight of him would scare most people. Somehow James made it home, everything that had happened over the last 48 hours replayed over and over in his mind, throwing his keys on the side like a zombie James made it up the stairs to the shower. The water beat down on him and washed away the dust and blood of the last 24 hours. Every part of him ached and was sore. Once out of the shower barely dry he slumped onto his bed, he just had no more fight left in him and he promptly dropped off to sleep.

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