Part 11-What do you do when the guy your in love with doesn't know you exist?

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Part 11

I had loved this boy for so long but was it all moving too fast?

How did I know for sure that he liked me? He had only recently started showing interest in me.

I stared into his gorgeous green eyes which were watching me intensely.

"No," I whispered softly.

"No?" Louis repeated looking shocked and pained at the same time.

I spoke quickly to explain myself, "It's just that it's too soon for me too be your girlfriend. Could we maybe just get too know each other better? And take things slow? Just too see if you really want me to be your girlfriend?"

Louis started laughing. He actually laughed!

"What's so funny?" I asked a little angry.

"You!" He exclaimed. "You think I don't want you too be my girlfriend? Trust me I have never wanted anything more! But if it's what you want, of course we can take it slow. I just want to be able to call you mine." He shrugged as if the last part was obvious.

My heart fluttered at his words and a small smile appeared on my face. "Well you will kind off be able to call me yours. I mean I won't date anyone else, I just think it's too soon for us to be official.

"And that's why I want you to be my girlfriend." Louis concluded.

"What? That doesn't make any sense."

"Your different Katie. Different from all the other girls. I have never been rejected before-"

"I'm not rejecting you!"

"Yes you are and it's a good thing. It makes me like you so much more."

"You like me more because I rejected you?" That really doesn't make sense.

"Yes." Louis nodded like he knew something I didn't.

"Ok then, whatever you say."

We sat in silence, just staring at each other for a couple of minutes. It was oddly peaceful.

"Come on, I'm taking you out!" Louis abruptly declared standing up and taking my hand.

"What! Where?"

"Well you said you wanted us to get to know each other better, so that's what were going to do."

"I don't know if that's-"

"Come on it will be fun!"

"No I mean, I don't know if Mum will let me, after everything that happened last night..." I tried to explain.

"I don't think your mum will mind if I'm with you. She knows I would never let anything happen to you."

"Well ok. We can ask."

With that he pulled me out of my room and down the stairs into the kitchen, where my mum was sat at the island counter reading a magazine.

"Hey kids." She said smiling at us. "How are you feeling Katie?"

"Erm yeah fine thanks."

"I was just wondering if it would be ok if I took Katie out for a little while. You know just too take her mind off things?" Louis asked politely.

"Of course! I think that's a wonderful idea! But don't be too long, you need to get things ready for school tomorrow Katie."

"Yeah ok Mum."

We grabbed our coats and set off down the street.

"So, where are we going?" I asked after a little while.

What do you do when the guy your in love with doesn't even know you exist?Where stories live. Discover now