Part 4-What do you do when the guy your in love with doesn't even know you exist?

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I took a deep breath, and faced Mia. She was looking at me smiling.

"I don't want to sound big headed, but I AM GOOD!" I laughed at Mia.

"Do you think Louis will notice?" I asked, starting to get nervous.

"Katie, if he doesn't notice you, then we can confirm he has mental issues. Girl, every boy in the school will be drooling over you today. You are hardly recognizable!"

I smiled. I didn't care if every boy in the school noticed me; the only person I wanted to notice me was downstairs in my kitchen with my brother. Butterflies started in my stomach and I started to feel slightly sick.

"Katie, time to go!" My brother called up the stairs to me.

Well it was the moment of truth. Louis would either notice me or he wouldn't. With one last look in the mirror I grabbed my bag, and Mia and I headed down the stairs into the kitchen.

"Katie, make Mia something to e-" James started, but stopped mid-sentence when he looked up at me.

I pretended to not notice and walked over to the bread bin, and got out four slices of bread and put them in the toaster. It was still silent when I walked over to the fridge and got the butter out.

"Move." I said to James, so I could get a knife out of the drawer. I sneaked a look at Louis as I closed the drawer. He was staring at me, a shocked expression on his face.

He had noticed me.

I smiled to myself as I turned to the toaster and started to butter the toast. Mia walked beside me, and gave me a little hip-bump. I looked up at her and she winked. I grinned at her. As I put the toast on a plate and headed towards the breakfast bar with Mia, my Mum and Dad walked into the kitchen.

"Oh honey, you look lovely." My mum said as she caught sight of me. I smiled at her. My mum had the same dark brown hair as me as well as the same short height. She was wearing her hospital clothes, with her white doctor's coat hanging over her arm. My Dad was smiling at me, a knowing look on his face, but he didn't comment on my change of appearance. Instead he said:

"When you get back from school today, your studio should be done."

"Really!" I said excitably. I turned to Mia. "What are you doing tonight?"

"Nothing, do you want to do them pictures?"

"Yeah if you want to, James will drive you back when were finished. Right James?" There was no way he would refuse to take Mia home.

"Yeah, of course. You're photographing Mia for your book?" James asked me.

"Yeap." I answered.

"Can we watch?"

I looked at Mia. "It's up to you Mia, do you mind an audience?"

"No they can watch, I don't mind." She smiled at James.

"I've also got two men from Topshop coming tonight to sort out a new contract with me." My Dad said to me. "One of them is the other photographer for the brand, but he also has his own company."

"Oh right cool. Well we won't get in your way."

"I want to show him your work Katie, and if Mia doesn't mind, I want him to watch you shoot her." I stared at my Dad. "If he likes your work he might consider taking you on next year when you leave school. But don't get your hopes up, he is very precise about what he likes. And he only takes on people he is certain will make him money."

I was speechless. A rich photographer was coming to see my work tonight! I had wanted this opportunity since I can remember. I suddenly felt very sick. What if he didn't like my work? I mean my work was for an acquired taste.

What do you do when the guy your in love with doesn't even know you exist?Where stories live. Discover now