Chapter 15 - Annie

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"It's sad how privilege people in Wall Sina live." Eren said. You were on a mission to catch Annie in Wall Sina, but you probably know that already.

"Yeah..." You replied while looking at Selena.

"Just imagine his reaction if they saw our world." Selena whispered to you.

"What was that?" Mikasa steped in the conversation.

"Um, nothing, dear. Just chatting." You said and she looked away.

You were walking for a while in silence when Armin finally spoke: "You wait here. Annie should be somewhere nearby."

"Okay." You all said and waited behind one of the buildings while Armin went behind a corner.


Everything happaned like in the anime. Annie fell for their lie and now everyone was about to enter the tunnel under the city (or whatever that is).

"Annie, I love you, but we know that you're the female titan." You said.

Your friends looked at you. You weren't supposed to say that, and now everything could be ruined. But it wasn't. Annie started laughing hysterically and you and Selena knew it was going to get dirty.

"I still don't know who you two are, but... I never thought you'd corner me to this extent." Annie said.

"What're you- C'mon Annie! We can talk this trough!" Eren yelled.

"This is not worth my time." Mikasa said and took off her cloak reveling her sword. "It's over."

"You're right... It is." Annie said and tried to bite her finger but was stopped by a gun shot Armin made as a signal for the people that immediately, after they heared the sound, came and captured Annie.

But Annie was prepared for everything. She revealed her ring that had a small, sharp metal thorn and before you even knew it Mikasa grabbed Armin and Eren, you and Selena running in front of them, predicting what was going to happen, as Annie transformed into the female titan and destroyed everything around her.

You were now trapped in the tunnels under the city.

"We are so gonna die!" You said.

"We are so fucking not! They'll survive without a scar which means that we'll too!" Selena yelled.

"Not to be pessimistic or anything, but how are you so sure we're gonna survive this?" Armin asked but a giant foot broke the ceiling above and almost crushed you alive.

"I'm transforming! Move!" Eren yelled.

"You can't do that-" Armin tried to speak but Eren stopped him: "WE HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE!"

Eren tried to transform by biting his arm but, as predicted by you, he did not succeed.

"WHY WON'T IT WORK?!" Eren yelled, biting his hand, not stopping even when the blood started dripping.

"It'll work eventually! But you'll have to almost die-" You were trying to continue but Selena shushed you with her hands.

"Just keep doing what you're doing!" She said with a fake grin.

"Eren, you stay here! Armin, we head out and try to defeat her! (Y/N) and Selena! You-... Where are they?" Mikasa tried to say but stopped when she noticed that you were gone.

"Wait! I'm going too! You can't-" Eren stopped when Mikasa gave him a stare.

"You'll stay here and try to find (Y/N) and Selena! Armin, we're leaving." Mikasa said and Armin nodded. Then they left Eren, who was looking at them leaving trough the large hole.

"UGHHHH! DAMMIT!" Eren hit his fist onto the ground. "Why won't you work!..... Maybe I should look for (Y/N) and Selena, they could get smashed by Annie anytime-"

"No need for that, we're here!" Selena walked behind the corner smiling, you following after her.

"Huh! Where were you?! Why were you hiding?!" Eren yelled.

"Um... Selena had to pee..." You said.

"HeEey!!!" Selena screamed at you. "...Anyway, we're gonna leave now..." Selena said and started leaving.

"Hey! You can't just leave me here!" Eren was still sitting on the ground.

"Dude! Nothing happened to your legs! Get the fuck up and we'll go up together, now c'mon." You said.

Eren got up and started following you. Soon after he got up, the female titan smashed the ceiling above the spot Eren was sitting on.

"Run!" Selena yelled and you couldn't help but hear that music TANanAnananTan (or whatever).
You all ran to the hole in front of you and tried escaping the tunnel but then something unexpected happened (at least for you). Annie grabbed you in her hand and almost crushed you but that awoke something in Eren and he was finally able to transform into his titan.

Too bad, he wasn't the one to save you from her grip. During his transformation you were able to quickly cut your way out with your blades. You had no idea where that skill came from but you were proud. It seemed epic to you and it really was.

You ran up to Selena and said: "Did you see what I just did?!"

"Yeah! It was epic! Do it more often!"

"I will! Next target: armored titan!" You said and saw something in Selena's hands.

"Um, Sels, where did you get popcorn?"

"Oh I had it with me." She replied putting some in her mouth

"But how?"

"I don't know. Logic, I guess." She said and you just shrugged.

You decided to, together with Selena, enjoy the titan fight between Eren and Annie. It looked even cooler in the first person, even though you could easily be killed anytime.


"This has been going for a while now. How about we join them?" Selena said.

".... I mean, we'll probably die, but whatever, who cares. Let's do it. " You got up.

Just as you were about to approach them, Annie tried to escape by climbing the wall, but she didn't succeed. You two were the ones to stop her by cutting her fingers off so she can't climb.
She fell to the ground and made a giant quake.
Eren ran up to her and ripped out Annie from the nape of her titan.

Everyone thought Eren was about to eat her, but he stopped himself when he saw Annie crying (pussy).
You were able to witness Annie's hardening ability. She formed a beautiful, impenetrable crystal around her body and went to long hibernation.

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