Chapter 12 - Insults Or Smth

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Btw, has anyone ever questioned how the people inside the walls knew about the real names of the titan shifters like the colossal titan, armored titan...?


"Yo, the female titan is literally unconscious. Why don't they open her neck and see who it is?" You asked.

"Because there has to be more episodes in season 1."

"You are absolutely right! Now let's catch up to them."

"Wait! We can't! They can't know we were here."

"Oh don't worry, I have that covered. Follow me...." You said. "Tch and you're some brains of this duo."

"You dumb bitch..." Selena frowned like a child.

You jumped off the branch and Selena followed you. Sasha and Connie were behind the group and they noticed you two jumping. They turned around only to see you doing all kinds of flips and rolls in the air.
You two finally landed on the ground.

"Wow you two! You are really good acrobats! Gotta teach me a few tricks!" Sasha said and you two smiled.

Then Connie cut in: "Hey, I never actually saw you use ODM gears, and since you joined the scouts without even serving the training regiment, how do you know how to use them?"

You and Selena looked at each other. "...We're naturally talented." You smiled.

"By the way, where were you this whole time. We were on the trees, and the titans were trying to reach us but I haven't seen either of you there." Sasha said.

"Um, we were actually pretty close, hiding in the trees as well, just not with you."

"Oh, well then let's go! They're leaving!" Connie said smiling, then jumped on his horse and tried to catch up with the others.

You and Selena suddenly realized something and your faces became blank.

"We'll be right back. We forgot something." You said and you two started rushing deep into the forest.

"Wait, but you said you weren't even in the forest!"

"BYEEE!" Selena yelled and you two hurried into the forest as fast as you could. Now 'why' you might ask. Well because you left your fucking horses there, of course!


"Don't worry. I'm the brains, remember? I left my phone on my horse and we'll use your phone, that you don't go anywhere whithout, to track them."

"........ Noice..."


"We're almost at the walls..." You sighed.

"Yeah, this is tiring." Selena said.

"I know, right? Now just imagine stupid, limited, close-minded, homofobic, rasist, sexist, idiotic people, who are gonna literally assault the poor scouts." You said.


"And what are we supposed to do? Just stand there while our friends are getting insults from the crowd of idiotic humans?"

"I'm sorry, I overheared you talking. Why do you think they are gonna insult us?" Armin, who was in front of you, cut in.

"Don't they always when you fuck up?" Selena asked.

"Yeah, but you were never there. How would you know?" Mikasa, who was next to Armin, asked.

"Because we are always watching..." You whispered, "from the darkness of your closet."

Mikasa raised an eyebrow.

"It's a joke, honey." Selena said. "So what do we do when we come back? Are we gonna have any free days?"

Mikasa's eyes widened so you cut in: "Selena! You can't be so selfish! What about Eren!"

"Oh yeah! Sorry I forgot."

"It's okay." Mikasa said.

"If you need any help with Eren when we come back, just ask. We're here to help." You said and Mikasa smiled. 'Did she just smile at me?!' You thought and then sweetly smiled back.


You were walking trough the town while people were giving you dirty looks, and whispers could be heared among the crowd.

Someone from the crowd started shouting: "Look at them! All thorn apart! Most of them dead! They're such an embarrassment!"

You shouted back: "SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU OLD PERVERTED BAG OF HORSE SHIT! You are the living proof humans can live without brain! Did your parents ever ask you to run away from home?! Oh I bet they did, who would want something like you?! YO! Did anyone ever sue them for giving a birth to an ugly creature such as you?! I bet on that too! How did you even get here in the first place?! Someone left your cage open?! Wouldn't surprise me!" You were threwing just the worst insults you could think of at that moment.

Everyone was looking at you shocked, even your scout friends.
You were still looking at the old dude, who was now scared as hell, when Levi approached you on his horse (.....I don't know why but that doesn't sound very right, no....).

"We'll talk about this when we get back." He said to you and then continued going where you were headed.

"You're fucked." Selena whispered to you.

"I know..."

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