KOTLC Vacation Part 2

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Sophie: So are we going to Egypt?

Linh: I guess


Sandor: *stalks in* No ones going anywhere this summer

Biana: But I wanna go to Paris!

Sophie: Paris? The food there's sooooo good. Like, godly good. I've been there once~

Fitz: Paris? Never heard of it

Sophie: Oh mon dieu!

Fitz: huh

Keefe: OH MON DIEU! FITZ NE SAIS PAS QU'EST-CE QUE CA VEUT DIRE! (Oh my God! Fitz doesn't know what that means?)

Sophie:...............how did you know what I said?

Keefe: I'm just awesome like that

Ro: *yells from outside* all hail Lord Hunkyhair!

Keefe: YES! ALL HAIR LORD H! (LOL all Hair XD)

Biana: Lord H? Nevermind...

Fitz: so....Paris or Egypt?

Biana: I want to go to Paris. The clothes there seem awesome!

Sophie: we're going to Paris. Idk what you say, Sandor

*they all walk downstairs to talk to their parents*

Dex: can we go to Paris? Pleaaaseee I need time away from the triplets (I'm on my phone and triplets autocorrected to toilets lmao)

Grady: is it in the Forbidden Cities?

Sophie: Yes

Grady: go ahead

Edaline: I'll just tell the council. One second

Alden: are you sure you want to do this?

Everyone: YES

Alden: very well

Edaline: I got permission

Fitz: how are we going to get there?

Sophie: I was thinking we could go by plane

Keefe: oop

Everyone except Sophie: Keefe what was that sound

Sophie: *facepalm*

***Everyone leaves to pack***

***The Next Day***


Sophie: yeah we're gonna miss the flight

Fitz:*runs down the stairs* I'm here, I'm here

Biana: Sorry, I was packing all my elixers

Sophie: airport security is probably gonna take them all away.

Biana: whatever

Dex: *appears* I'm here! Lets go!


Keefe: bai

Everyone: huh

***they leap to the airport***

3 long hours later:

Biana: I still cant believe they took all my elixers! Like-

Fitz: we get it, you can't believe it

Dex: and they took away all my tools!

Sophie: they probably dont want you to stick it into someone's ear

Dex: I wouldn't do that!

Sophie: *shrugs* idk

*boarding the plane*

Keefe: Sophie how long is this gonna take

Sophie: a few hours

*a few minutes in*

Keefe: Sophie how much looooooonger. Im bored

Dex: yeah, sophie

Biana: Im bored too

Sophie: guys there's still another 3 hours left

Fitz: ughhh

Sophie: guys people are staring shush

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter XD sorry it was so short. I was writing on my phone cuz my laptop died and I can't find my charger. I'll make sure to add more soon. Thanks for reading and have a great day!

P.S. I have a plot twist coming up. Comment what you think it is! *wink*

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