Chapter 1 - Labors

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Percy POV

I was walking back to Camp Half-Blood when I heard a girlish scream. 

It was a boy who looked about my age, and he was being chased by the Minotaur. 

"You never stay dead, do you, Beef Brain?" I muttered. 

I uncapped Riptide and charged. 

The boy rushed behind the barrier and his behind a tree. 

It was pretty easy to defeat the monster. It wasn't wearing any armor or wielding any weapons, and I  just stabbed it in the stomach, and it disintegrated. 

The boy pushed me to the ground and took Riptide. 

Just then, Chiron and most of the campers arrived. 

"This guy right over here just left me, the one and only Ben Jones, to fight off an entire army of monsters!" 

Everybody glared at me. 

"I am very disappointed in you, Percy, You of all people should know that he does not have any fighting experience, and that he must have barely been able to defeat the army of monsters." 


"No buts, Percy. I'm very disappointed in you." 

They left, all of the glaring at me. 

Even the Seven glared at me. 

I left for my cabin, thinking everything would be fine. 

Oh, how wrong I was. 


I decided that I wanted to propose to my girlfriend, Annabeth. 

I went to her mother, Athena to ask for her permission. 

She told me that I would have to complete the Twelve Labors of Hercules and take a quiz to gain her permission.

The first task was to slay the Nemean Lion. 

I found out that it was currently in a forest in Toronto, Canada. What it was doing there, I will never know.

The Nemean Lion roared and charged at me, for about the fourth time.

It was very hard to kill it, because its skin was practically impenetrable, and I didn't have a bow to shoot some arrows into its mouth.

So I decided to simply lure it to the edge of a cliff, and at the right time, push it off.

This had turned out to be increasingly difficult.

Apparently the lion somehow knew about the cliff, because at first, it didn't want to go there.

But I managed to get it to go towards me, and then I pushed it off.


I finished the rest of the tasks, and now I was on my way to Olympus to meet Athena.

Some of the other tasks were easy, and some of them were hard.

To kill the Hydra, I held a torch in one hand and Riptide in the other. I cut and burnt all of the monster's heads, and I offered the immortal head as a sacrifice to Poseidon.

To bind the Erymanthian Boar, I got it to be stuck in a pile of boulders, and then I chained it up. Athena arrived and took it with her.

To catch the Cerynian Hind, I had to chase it around for a couple of days around various forests, and Artemis told me that I had to return it to her Hunters when they were at Camp Half-Blood after Athena gave it back to me.

The moment Athena returned it to me, it ran off again, and then I had to bind it again and bring it back to Artemis.

To defeat the Stymphalian Birds, I lured them close to me, and when they were in striking range, I killed them with Riptide.

To clean the stables, I easily summoned a lot of water from the nearby river and cleaned up  Eurytion's entire ranch.

To defeat the Cretan Bull, I simply slashed and hacked at it until it feel dead. It was a lot of work, though, because it would constantly try to ram me head-on with its horns.

To capture the mares, Eurytion simply let me bring some to Athena.

To get Hippolyta's girdle, I went to the Amazons. They gave it to me under the condition that I would return it to them as soon as possible after Athena gave it back to me.

Getting Geryon's cattle was easy, as Eurytion simply let me borrow some of them, but I had to return them. Geryon himself had not reformed yet, though.

To get the gold apples from the Garden of the Hesperides, the Hesperides themselves let me through, but they warned me that to get the apples, I would have to defeat or outsmart Ladon. This was one of the hardest things I'd ever done in my life, because Ladon had exactly one hundered heads, and even when some of them were focused on me, others were looking away from me, guarding the tree.

It took a very long time for me to get the attention of all of his 100 heads. I managed to jump behind him, quickly climb the tree, and then grab five of the apples.

The Hesperides told me that once I grabbed at least two of the apples, Ladon would let me through anytime I wanted, because I was outsmarted him.

For the last labor, I had to capture Cerberus.

I went down into the Underworld, and Charon gave me a free ride, because he knew about the labors I had to do, and because I told Hades to get him a pay raise.

Instead of simply trying to bind Cerberus, I went to Hades first, like Hercules had done. I explained to him what Athena had told me to do, and surprisingly, Hades let me do it using weapons, but I could not kill the guard dog of the Underworld.

I brought Cerberus and some things from the other labors to Athena.

She was very surprised that I'd managed to survive, and then she gave me the quiz. It was on a lot of topics, ranging from Greek mythology to quantum physics.

I'm very proud to say that I aced the quiz. After that, Athena finally gave her permission to propose to Annabeth.

I went to the god Hephaestus himself, with his help, the two of us created a beautiful ring. 

I went back to camp, not knowing the bad things that awaited me there. 

Word Count: 1024

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