Chapter 3 - False Punishment

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Percy POV

"Today we are all gathered here for the trial of Perseus Jackson!" Zeus boomed. All the minor gods were there, the Amazons, the Greeks and Romans, and even the Hunters."

"What did I do?" I asked.

"You have have been found guilty of being too powerful and you are thus a threat to Olympus, and you have cheated on the daughter of Athena. How do you plead?"

"Not guilty. She cheated on-"

"SILENCE!" Athena yelled. "You broke her heart, and then cheated on her!"

"It's true! He is too powerful to live, and he cheated on me." Annabeth said. 

"Very well, all in favor of Perseus being put to death?" Zeus asked.

Everybody raised their hands.

Nobody defended me. Not even Nico, Grover, or Thalia, or any of my other friends.

"He is too powerful to live, and he has disrespected me many times." Zeus said.

"He has also disrespected me, even when I wiped his memory, when it was the right thing to do." Hera said.

"He broke Annabeth's heart, and he broke up the cutest couple! Ben and Annabeth! It is also his fault that my daughter Silena died." Aphrodite.

"He doesn't eat enough cereal, and he disrespected my children." Demeter.

"He has disrespected me and my son, and it is his fault that Bianca died." Hades.

"He has mistreated my favorite son, and he never looked after Sally or Paul." Poseidon.

Hestia was nowhere to be seen.

"He has caused the deaths of my sons Michael and Lee, and he has disrespected my children." Apollo.

Dang, most of the Olympians are wanting me to die just because they think I disrespected them or their children. I never did.

I doubt they would believe me even if I swore on the River Styx. 

"He is too powerful to live, and he has disrespected my daughter Clarisse." Ares.

"He has disrespected my Hunters, and he cheated on a woman, and he is just another filthy and arrogant male who deserves to die." Artemis.

"He cheated on my daughter and broke her heart, and he has disrespected her. She should have just left him in Tartarus." Athena.

"He has disrespected me, and it is his fault that my son Castor died." Dionysus.

"He has disrespected my son Leo, and it's his fault that my son Charles died on the Princess Andromeda." Hephaestus.

"He mistreated my sons Travis and Connor, and it's his fault my son Luke died." Hermes.

All the minor gods said similar things, even when I got most of them cabins after the second Titan War. 

"Than it is decided. Perseus shall be killed!"

Zeus raised his master bolt at me, but a millisecond before it hit me, the world went black. 

Word Count: 459

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