Chapter 4 - Blessings

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Percy POV

Hello, Perseus, how are you doing?" A man asked. His skin seemed to be covered with the stars and planets of the universe.

"Uh, who are you?" I asked. The man chuckled. "If you must know, I am Chaos, the creator of the universe."

I immediately bowed.

Chaos smirked. "Don't bow, please, I hate it. And besides, I'm not like the Olympians.Now, if you would please come with me."

He touched my arm, and the world went black.

I reappeared in a throne room that made Olympus look ugly.

There were 18 thrones there. Chaos went and took his seat, and 8 other beings, which were probably the other primordials, materialized in the thrones. 9 thrones were unoccupied, for some reason. 

"Perseus, we would like to give you our blessings, if you accept. We shall also give you partial immortality. Do you accept?"

I smiled. "Yes."

Chaos smiled. "My blessing will give you control over the five elements: fire, water, air, earth, and ice. You will also have the ability to summon anything."

"My blessing will give you the ability to control light, and use light as weapons or you can create things out of light." Order said.

"My blessing will give you control over the sky, and lightning. You will also have control over the weather, and sunlight and moonlight, since they come from the sky." Ouranos said.

"My blessing will give you control over water, more than Poseidon and Oceanus combined, and you will also have some more control over ice."

"My blessing will give you control over air, and some more control over sunlight." Aether said.

"My blessing will give you control over time, more than Kronos." Chronos said.

"My blessing will give you some more control over the sea. You will now have control over sea creatures, and anything else that comes from the sea." Hydros said.

"My blessing will give you some more control over the earth, and you will now have some control over nature." Physis said.

"My blessing will give you some more control over time, as well as some control over fate." Aeon said.

They all shot beams of light at me.

When the light faded, I felt a lot more powerful.


I had trained with the primordials for a few years by now. The other primordials had offered me their blessings, but I refused.

The throne room was in a planet which Chaos called Celestia. I lived in Chaos's palace. 

Chaos gave me something called the Infinity Stones. He said that a couple of years ago, a group of heroes called the Avengers fought a villain named Thanos, and then they gave it to Chaos for safekeeping, and then Chaos gave it to me.

Apparently there were 6 of them, but the primordials were also in possession of 6 other Stones. Apparently there were a lot of others, but they had been missing for centuries.

So the primordials gave me a choice, that I could get a place in the Chaos Army, or I could get the Infinity Stones. 

Here's a list of each of the Stones:

-Reality Stone

-Time Stone

-Soul Stone

-Space Stone

-Power Stone

-Mind Stone

-Ice Stone

-Fire Stone

-Water Stone

-Earth Stone

-Air Stone

-Chaos Stone

Chaos told me that that there were a lot of other Stones, such as the Stone of Death, the Stone of Destruction, and many, many others, but they had been lost for centuries.


Well, let's just say that I've been doing a lot of things since the primordials gave me their blessings. 

Chaos adopted me as his son, and at my request, he brought some friends of mine back from the dead. He also formed the Chaos Army, which would be an army that would go around the universe, fighting wars, liberating planets, and basically doing a lot of good stuff for the universe. Chaos has always wanted me to join the Army and become the commander, but I always decline his offers. 

Those friends were Bianca di Angelo, Luke Castellan, Castor, Lee Fletcher, Michael Yew, Silena Beauregard, Charles Beckendorf, Phoebe (She died in Blood of Olympus, look it up on Riordan Wiki), and Zoe Nightshade. 

Luke and Bianca were dating, as so were Charles and Silena, and Castor and Zoe as well. Phoebe had a crush on somebody in the Army, though I haven't figured out who. 

Sometimes I join the Chaos Army on some missions, but not a lot of the time. 

Oh, and Chaos gave me wings. They are dark black, and they just look badass. 

He also gave me two new weapons, as I'd left Riptide at Camp Half-Hell. 

The first was a dark sword called Shadowslayer, which he said was forged out of Chaos Silver, Stygian Iron, Imperial Gold, vibranium, and mortal steel. 

The second was another sword called Stormbringer, which was also dark black, and it was forged out of Celestial Bronze, vibranium, Chaos Silver, Stygian Iron, mortal steel, and pretty much most of the different metals in the universe. 

Both of them could kill pretty much anything.  

Both of them were blessed by the primordials, so that I could use them to channel my powers better. 

I also met Carter and Sadie. The House of Life joined the Chaos Army, and I also met the other pantheons.

Sadly, very little of them remained.

Most of them had either faded or had been killed by their enemies.

Those who remained were too weak to be in their physical forms, so they had to have a host, sort of like the Egyptian gods.

Chaos said that I was powerful enough to host maybe about 5 or 6 gods, so I hosted Nezha (a Chinese god), Loki and Thor (2 Norse gods), Hurakan (a Mayan god), and Long Wang and Yan Wang (2 other Chinese gods).

I also became the Eye of Sobek, an Egyptian god.

I could host other gods, but Chaos said that I should wait for a few weeks until I got adapted to 6 gods being in my my body and mind.

So basically, I had a magical avatar from being the Eye of Sobek, and I chad a lot of power from being the host of Nezha. Nezha was a very powerful god, and I now have more control over fire, as well as the ability to create earthquakes. I also have enhanced strength. Hosting Loki and Thor gave me the ability to detect lies, perform more types of magic, and control thunder. I could also summon and lift Mjolnir, but for now I kept it in the Duat, which is something that's hard to explain. Being the host of Long Wang and Yan Wang gave me power over the dead and the Underworld. Being the host of Hurakan gave me control over storms, the wind, and some more control over fire.

I guess I'm powerful, to say the least.

Chaos has now called me to his office for a mission. 

I hope it isn't Earth. 

Word Count: 1172 

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