Chapter 9 - Hatstall

389 8 3

Percy POV

I went up and Professor McGonagall put the Sorting Hat on my head. 

The Sorting Hat was silent for about ten minutes until it said, "I can't pick."

Everybody was shocked. 

"But if I can't pick, then let's let him pick the house he wants to be in." 

I really didn't know what to do, but I finally decided. 


The Gryffindor kids cheered. 

I walked over and sat at my corresponding table. 

"Your attention, please." Proffesor McGonagall said. 

Dumbledore rose from his chair. 

"Let the feast...begin!" 

Food, magically appeared on the tables, everybody was amazed. 

"Wow." Harry said in awe. 

Ron immediately dug in and practically stuffed his face. 

Neville laughed at something a boy named Seamus Finnigan said. 

Harry was sitting next to a boy named Percy Weasley. 

"Say, Percy, who's that professor talking to Professor Quirrell?" Harry asked. 

"That's Professor Snape. He's the head of Slytherin House." Percy replied. 

"What does he teach?"

"Potions. But everybody knows it is the Dark Arts he fancies. He's been after Quirrell's job for years."

I wondered what that meant.

Word Count: 178

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