Chapter 2:Club time

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The school bell rings for the end of the day
as Sayori hears it.(That's my cue)
Sayori thinks as she gets up to get her things. "Remember your homework assignment is due tomorrow". Says the teacher as he hands out the homework. Sayori gets hers as she walks to the hallway to the 3rd floor. As she continues she stops next to a door.(sigh another good club day)
Sayori opens the door to greet 3 members there.

And mc

"Hey guys I hope you all did your poems last night". Sayori says in a very happy tune. "Bet yeah we did what do you think this is the lazy club". Natsuki says as she goes on a seat. "Natsuki dear please get off the seat you could break it". Yuri says as she picks up Natsuki. "Hey put me down I can get off myself". Natsuki says in her tsundere persona. (Typical yuri and natsuki )
Sayori thought to herself as she gets on a seat.(I think I should get a bit off rest)
Sayori puts her head on the seat and rests

Sayori wakes up to see mc staring at her."Ahh"! Sayori almost leaps to the roof because of being started.

"Mc, you scared me". Sayori complained in a whiny way.

"Well you shouldn't be asleep,didn't you get enough sleep last night"! Mc said as he looks at Sayori's face just in case he sees something off. Sayori makes a -_- face as she states at mc. "Well at least I do poems instead of watching anime". Mc looks understandable as he walks away.

Sayori looks at the clock to examine it
3: 48
(We all leave by 4:10) Sayori thinks as she quickly gets up. "Everyone can I get your attention please". As she looks she sees that everyone has their eyes on her.

"Good ,ok everyone we are starting with our poems."
Everyone quickly gets there poems as they come around to share it.
Sayori first gets mc poem first

Mc poem:

Far away

Far away as I sail on my boat away from the island I lived on.
It's sad to leave it forever but I want
To see the world
I heard it's big and wide
I heard it's safe and calm
I can make friends there
So I'll go on a boat far away from the island

Goodbye island

Next is natsuki
Natsuki poem:


What's that slithering coming from
What's that hissing sound near my window
It's so irritating to hear so I get up to see
There I see a snake, small and sad.
Snakes are dangerous I hear as I leave the room.
'wait ' a voice says
I turn, it's coming from the snake
I go back to the window
What do you want I said to it
The snake looks at me ,it says

I want a friend

Last was yuri
Yuri poem:


I head to my locker ready to get my stuff ready to go home
Then I see it, a letter
I read it, it wants me to go somewhere
I halt and go the other way
I run and run
Till I'm there
I see the person(my crush)
She stands there nervous
Before I speak , she does
She says she loves me a lot
I with a heart of happiness
The kiss,the hugs are slow and lovely
Before I know it
I'm walking home with my lover

Last it Sayori's poem
Sayori poem:

Cookie friend

There ready
I open the oven to see my new friends
The cookie friends greet me with happiness
I greet them back
I let them adjust and cool down
When there done they cheer with glee
I grab one
I hug
I kiss
A cookie friend never lasts
Oh I ate it

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