Chapter 23: Weekend (Together) Final

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"there you guys!" Natsuki said as monika and Sayori entered the house.

"Hey sorry we're late we needed to tell our parents about us coming here." Monika replied.

"Fine by me". Yuri replied not so far behind.
"You want some sandwiches?"
"Heck yeah!" Sayori said as she ran to the kitchen

"Typical Sayori". Natsuki said

The day was somewhat making the day better

The sandwiches had baloney with hot sauce and lettuce (10 %)
While the girls were hanging out (89 %)


"Hey sayori, monika". Yuri said looking at her 2 friends  who were eating sandwiches

"Yeah"? Sayori asked as she noticed yuri looking at Sayori and monika and looking at 2 cupcakes.

(Why is she looking at the cupcakes for?) Monika wonders as she was concerned about yuri eye contact between her,Sayori and the 2 treats.

"Um.....yuri you ok?" Sayori asked.

Yuri stood silent for a moment before....

"Are you guys-"


"oh that must be mc." Natsuki spoked as she head toward the door.

"Hey guys!" Mc spoked out. "Mc hey!" Sayori spoked with delight as she went to hug mc. 

As monika went to greet mc, yuri was still looking at Sayori and monika.

Hey yuri how's it going?" Mc said looking at yuri. Yuri stopped looking at the 2 girls and looked at mc. "F-fine..."

As the group was setting down again
Mc noticed the cupcakes on the counter

"Wow natsuki cool cupcakes,are they for the festival?"

"Mhm" natsuki said with a smile.

"Can I have one ?" Mc said in awe
"Sorry champ, those are for the school."

"Oh yuri what were you trying to say again?" Monika asked looking at yuri.

Yuri stood just for a second

"......just wondering if you and Sayori wanted cupcakes."

"Oh that's why you kept looking at them."
Sayori spoked out. "Sorry I'm full from the sandwiches."

"Can I have yours Sayori,please"? Mc asked begging like a dog. "Sure!"

As mc went to grab the blue icied cupcake and taking a big bite of it. Monika grabed hers and took a small bite.

As the group continue to chat with each other ,the day was going well

Calculation of how much fun:


(I hope you enjoyed weekend route)

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