Chapter 17: Weekend (Monika)

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(Monika pov)

I woke up around 6:30am

Not doing anything was mostly my only hobby

But I felt like going somewhere

I put on my black jacket and black jeans and left a letter on the door

My parents know that I leave the house a lot, as long as I give them a letter of we're I'm going

I lock the door behind me and I leave my side of the neighborhood

Just walking for an hour...not doing anything

While Sayori had been trying to delete me...I was doing that as well ...but yet I still can't.
It's getting on my nerves.

As I walk I see the ocean.
I loved (and still do)
I used to have fun with my parents when there business was done or had no work to do.
I was so little....when I knew nothing back then

So little
So naive
So stupid

I walked down the railing and as my shoes touched the sand I walked slowly to the the shore

Waves crashing on each other then doing it again
and again
and again

I sat down on the and just stared
Out of  nowhere, I just remembered

Out of bordem?
Out of spite?
Out of loneliness?

Reminds me back in the void......


?: I heard you were in a choir right ?
Monika: when I was in middle school yes.
?: Can I hear it ?
Monika: idk I stop doing choir and i sing when I'm alone
?: Oh I see well guess I'll be watching you when your not looking, I bet you sing beautifully
Monika: no need to watch afar I'll just sing now
?: Ok ready when you are!
Monika: Actually do u have like a beach in the void
?: Sadly no, why?
Monika: that's were I often sing near on a early morning
?: Well you can sing this one time here sorry if it's not a good place to sing but at least your not alone,someone's always watching you
Monika:....ok I'm ready thx

(Present time)

(The words she said "at least your not alone" if I song now.... will she be watching me? Will she?


🎶 (Singing)🎶

"Everyday....I imagine a future were I can be with you".

"In my hand is a pen I will write a poem of me and you".

" The ink flows down into a dark puddle..
Just move your hand write your way into their heart".

"But in this world of infinite choices..what can you do just to find that special day".

"Huh....what a really... fucking day"


"I know your there Sayori".

(Bonus: 10/10 for your reality- by dan salvato (creator of ddlc) 2017

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