Chapter 27: Festival (4/5)

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(Bystanders pov)

As we were told exactly the literature club was known to be "fun" and "worthwhile"

Besides the cupcakes the only thing that half of us stayed was probably because of the girls. (They just so cute) is probably what some are probably thinking right now.

As they were showing us around the "room" only one person noticed another looking at a girl (named natsuki) but that only got him scared. (To be honest no one
Knew why)

Other than that they showed us their poems
They were interesting.

"And I hope you enjoyed your time with us,come back sometime and join our club!"

The president Sayori said in such a dere voice.

some people were continuing there walk.
,While others were talking about the girls,

Not one person seemed to care about the club, not even thought of joining...

Except one.

( Also happy new year )

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