Chapter 26: Festival (3/5)

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(Bystanders pov)

As the doors open up we all got inside to see a colorful small room.

"Welcome to the literature club, I am Sayori the president!"

We turn to see a coral pink girl looking at us. She was cute looking.

"Hello I am yuri the vice president".

Up came a tall purple haired girl she was big and her voice sounded soothing and calm.

"And I'm natsuki a member"

"Im mc I'm also a member"

"Monika= member"

As we took a look at all the members Sayori starts to talk again.

"We like you to know a few things around here.
1. We do poetry
2. Discuss important but fun ideas
3.we read(obviously)
4. And my favorite: MAKING FRIENDS!!
Well what do you think?"


"Boring I know but we're getting to the best part I promise".

"Now we'll show you some of our best poems. Well read it to you."

"First me".

(Merry Christmas)

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