Chapter 5: Reunion (part 1)

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(It had to be a dream,it had to)

But it wasn't. Sayori stared in horror as she looked at the most unbelievable image.


Monika was right in front of her eyes,talking with a few students, and in a happy way. It only took a few minutes to adjust this sudden time.

"Hey Sayori!" A voice called out, causing Sayori to snap back into reality.
She turned to see mc walking up to her in a happy state

(How could mc be so happy when monika is right in front of us)

Sayori couldn't tell if she should show fear,concern,or anger even though she was near public.

"Hello... Sayori?". Mc voice called out again snapping Sayori out of thought again.
"Huh.. oh hey mc sorry I was in thought ".

"Oh.. ok well ..does monika have to do with something?" Mc said in a teasing voice
"Huh what don't know...maybe ...yes".
Sayori was stuck with flattery and embarrassment of what mc said. Mc chuckled."well hurry up we got school for a reason".

Sayori then walked towards her locker to change Into her indoor shoes and getting her stuff. But after she was done she turn to see monika,still talking to the students

Sayori (once again) turn to see mc.
"Seriously did monika say something to you or you just like looking at her".

(Like.."LIKE", more like hate and disgusted to look at that bastard) Is what Sayori wanted to say but she couldn't lash out her anger on him or at public.
"It's not either does too's just that... wasn't monika not present at school yesterday"?

"Oh so that's why you were staring... actually monika was sick yesterday and needed to stay home".

"Oh I see". Sayori said in false relief (funny I thought she was not here AT ALL)  Sayori thought in a raging look inside her mind.

"Nevermind let's go to class". Sayori said as she got her bag, closed her locker and started walking to the stairs.

"Sayori, Mc wait up !!"
A voice was heard behind them,as they both turn they saw monika running up to them

"Hey guys ,sorry if I didn't notice you back there,I was busy talking to my friends."

Sayori stared in a dumbfounded look in public ,but in her mind she wonted to beat and vomit on her really badly for showing up in her life again.

"Oh nothing personal monika you are a social butterfly after all". Sayori forced herself to say out loud. Mc nodded in agreement.

"Well I got to go to class,don't want to be late you know, see you at club". Monika said in a cheerful tone as she walked pass Sayori and mc to get to her homeroom.

"Well you heard the girl let's go". Mc said as he started walking to the stairs.
"Yea". Sayori said as she followed her friend  upstairs

( I still don't get did monika get back here ...I thought she was deleted) Sayori thought as she headed toward her homeroom  (something is not right,I need to talk to her at club)

(End of part 1)
Bonus: today my birthday

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