Chapter 9: 15 minutes later

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I'm walking back home where my parents are waiting for me.

... I don't know how I got back,but... Whatever happened,im angry and confused at the same time.

I didn't ask to come back,and I know the others didn't either because they forgot I even existed.

I open the door to see my mom cooking dinner. She stops and turns at me
" Monika there you are,go wash up and change... Your father will be coming home soon".

I went up to my room and started changing into formal clothing  and headed back downstairs.

                      15 minutes later

"Im home!" My father called out as he locked the door behind him. "Let me go change quickly". I watched him go upstairs and looked back at my food which was meatloaf. My father came back as his cherry self "hey moni how was school?" "It was good thanks dad".(half lying)

"Good good..well let's eat I'm starving".

                        15 minutes later

"May I please be excuse?" I said as I got and heading upstairs. "Your not even finished with the food." My mom said in a flating tone. "Let her be honey ". My dad replied. "Ok."

I could have told them I was full and I was going to eat it tomorrow but I don't want to eat something that's not real.

I headed back to my room and layed on my bed bored. (I may hate this world but at least my room is ok) I stared blankly at the ceiling.

                        15 minutes later

  (Why am I here,I don't want to stay here)
  (I have so many questions I want to scream out,I want to scream...)
  (It's not like I'll stay here for long unless it's a dream...but if it isn't ...then libitina will find me soon)

That reminds me of someone.....

  (Elyssa..... Where are you...are you still ok ?...are you still back  there?.. I remember I was knocked out and you where saying something,and before I know it I'm back in my room ,my house...Im scared,that I'll stay here forever...not seeing you again...or you'll be gone forever...idk)

(But tell me ...or give me a sign)

I felt something wet on my face and I went to rub was tears...  And It was endless.

                         15 minutes later

(Please... Tell me what where you saying)

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