xiv. i meant what i said, didn't i?

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xiv. i meant what i said, didn't i?

it didn't take them long to find phineas once again. he was where they left him, in the middle of the parking lot, sat on a picnic bench with his bunny slippers propped up, eating a shish kebab and smearing barbeque sauce all over his bathrobe like he was having the time of his life, and that only made gale's blood boil even more.

he took one last glace at percy, who had a determined look on his face as he stared at phineas, who was oblivious to their presence, focused on his shish kebab and nothing more. gale brought his lips up to percy's ear whispering, "are you sure about this? i don't trust this gorgon's blood shit, or the old man either, for that matter. are you sure this is a good idea?"

"do we have any other choice, though?" percy replied, and even he sounded like he was somewhat unsure about the plan, though tried to hide it with a determined look on his face. "i mean, phineas likes wagers, high stakes, stuff like that. he wouldn't accept a wager that he couldn't benefit from in some way. get the right vial, he could probably get his sight back. he'd definitely like that."

gale's concern only grew. "yeah but you could die, percy. you said that gorgon told you that one side heals, while the other kills. are... are you really okay with that?"

"if i have to, then yes," he said simply. gale didn't blame him either. call him selfish or whatever, but for the right people, gale would die for them too. but the idea of percy dying a painful death... it scared him, more than he thought it would.

percy started fiddling with his fingers before he turned to look at gale. "everything will be okay, gale. let's just say... i have something up my sleeve, but you don't have to worry about me. i'm not dying anytime soon, lightning bug. and i mean it."

he smiled, probably to reassure gale that he meant every word, and... gods, why was he getting so flustered?!

gale nodded, trying not to stumble on his words too hard. "okay, mermaid man, but i hope you know i'm holding that against you for the rest of this quest."

"wouldn't have it any other way."

they soon approached phineas, who had finally noticed their presence and called out to them, "welcome back! i hear the flutter of nervous little wings. you've brought me my harpy?"

"she's here," percy said. "but she's not yours."

"i see..." phineas said, sucking the grease off his fingers like they were cheeto dust, and gale was holding back a gag. "well, actually, i'm blind, so i don't see. have you come to kill me, then? if so, good luck completing your quest."

"i've come to gamble."

that seem to intrigue the old man. he put down his shish kebob, leaning towards percy with a curious look. "a gamble... how interesting. information in exchange for the harpy? winner takes all?"

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