ii. heartbreaking goodbyes

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ii. heartbreaking goodbyes

percy had cursed them. that was the only answer gale could think of at the moment. he considered investing in duct or masking tape to cover his mouth so percy couldn't curse them again, though the constant urge to spontaneously make out with him kept gale from going through with it in the long run. plus, he's seen percy pout before, the look in his eyes would cause gale to fold almost immediately.

he hated percy.

"what the hell?" frank exclaimed. "what happened to 'it's not like they're gonna blow up the city or something'?!"

"i—i— i don't know!" percy stammered out, stepping over a piece of debris that fell from the ceiling due to the blast. his face looked panicked and worried. "it's not them though. it can't be, they wouldn't do this!"

"the missile heading towards us and the giant fucking warship may say otherwise!" frank said frantically, looking at the glowing projectile that was heading their way at rapid speeds. "go!" he urged them as they dashed away from the debris threatening to fall on top of them.

as they ran, hazel exclaimed, "if it's not them, who is it, percy?" though her words didn't have the sudden anger that frank had— they were more soft, more like pleading for an answer rather than demanding one.

percy gazed at her to answer, but instead of speaking he furrowed his brows, biting down on his bottom lip in frustration. "i... i don't know, but i know it's not them. you just have to trust me."

arcana gazed at the four others before looking at percy. "we trust you, percy," she said. frank and hazel nodded, while gale simply gave percy a comforting squeeze, despite the fact that percy was gripping onto his like it was his lifeline.

"thanks, cana," percy said, "but i don't think they agree."

it was chaos. the romans had buddled up into one huge crowd, fights breaking out and curses being hurled. some tunnel visioned onto percy, glaring at him like they were ready to castrate him, but gale wouldn't allow that. no one would hurt his percy.

that wasn't really a gale thing to do. maybe he had changed.

"yeah, i see what you're talking about," arcana said. "maybe we should, y'know, run."

"good idea!"

they dashed down the forum and towards a fountain with a shirtless jupiter statue spitting out water that collected in a circular basin below (note to gale, forget you ever saw that, and fast.) percy began to repel angry romans with blasts of water, gale pushed them back with simple gusts of wind, and arcana used her magic to try and stop the onslaught of projectiles being thrown at them, but strangely she seemed like she was struggling with something.

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