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To say the current king of Dunada was a temperamental man was an understatement. And while he might have been considered one of the smarter (and the most tactical) men of the world, he still had his flaws like any other.

Being born into royalty, specifically from the previous king and queen of the elven kingdom, his life from the start was going to be different.

Spoiled he was. Him and his younger brother both. Having him first meant he was the next in line to the throne. Not that his brother wouldn't suffice, but the man himself didn't even want to be the next king.

Thus Vaeril was shaped into the pristine and eloquent elf he was today. Being in a closed-off family meant his interactions with others was limited for a good amount of his life. That was until the boy started to sneak out.

"Vaeril," a loud sigh echoes through his room, the person having a rather monotone voice, "How many times do I have to tell you?"

"Not to escape and play with the other kids?"

The young boy was growing fast, like many elves did. He was smart enough to start a war but not quite far along enough to stop one just yet, "Must you interrupt me?"

He sighed, "Technically you were done speaking..."

His father sighs in response, but it's soon replaced with a small chuckle, "You are right, but I am your father. It's rude to speak to me in such a way."

Vaeril nods, "I'm just frustrated, father."

"In what way?"

One thing his parents were good at was communication. They let him sit them down and talk about what he truly felt and they listened. His concerns, no matter how bizarre, were still taken into consideration.

"I understand I am the prince, but what harm will come to me with playing with the other children? Nothing! I was told by one of the staff I was a bit...what's the word? Spoiled? That I need to have more socialization if I want to become a good king myself one day."

The level of intelligence that came from him still surprised the father, but it made him smile, "I don't appreciate a staff member telling you this but I happen to agree. As long as you're happy, comfortable, and in good situations I don't have a problem with you playing with the others."

The smile he got from his son was worth the possible repercussions from his wife, "Thank you, father!"

It would become the best decision he makes. Those kids, although not royal, become the closest friends to the prince throughout his entire life. It was no surprise the ones that didn't betray him became a part of his royal team when he became king.

The kingdom itself was breathtaking, to those that lived there and those who traveled around the world to visit it. Unlike its neighbors, it was running wild with forest and flowers. The trees were extremely tall, almost as tall as the buildings.

To them having layers to the kingdom only added to the beauty of it. Instead of being on the wider scale, it was built up towards the skies. Being closer to the gods they obey, it brought them fortune and prosperity.

From his teenage years the prince always had an outspoken attitude and often commented on things his input wasn't exactly desired in. It got him both kudos and negative feelings. The only part that truly got him into his future proposition was the reason that he didn't seem to care.

Ask anyone alive who knew him well they'd tell you something on the lines that you didn't know him as well as they did. It was a decent assumption to most to assume he was a bad and unjust king but in reality he was the exact opposite.

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