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The king looked into the mirror then looked at himself. He ended up grabbing his comb and the gel he used to straighten it.

Grabbing the comb made Felimid's brush fall from the stand. As he bent to pick it up, he smiled and thought about the man. The first thought, the most recent, was the wedding.

It wasn't a normal night, of course. The air was slightly chilly. They waited until after the harsh part of the Winter to marry. It was still laced with snow outside though.

It was the talk of the century. The king marrying a man was something the others weren't too fond of at first but they grew to like him just as much as the king. They blamed it on his "charming" personality.

He was amazing that night. The crowning ceremony was beautiful. Thronal shed a few tears but claimed he didn't when everyone literally saw him do it.


"Yes, my dear?"

"You're a king now."

"Well," the human laughs as he takes the new crown off of his head to turn to his husband, "As long as I have the other king by my side it won't be so bad."

Months before the wedding, Felimid moved his things into Vaeril's room so they could share it. Seeing the brush made it all come back to him. It was such an odd thing to remember, but he wouldn't regret it for the world.


A muffled response echoes back to him, "Yes?"

"Have you seen my black overcoat? I can't seem to find it."

"Which one?" The king pops out of the bathroom, his hair neatly placed but his crown not yet on his head. He was holding it in his hand before placing it on top of his head seconds later.

"The gold embroidery one."

Vaeril chuckles, "Over there, darling."

His eyes follow his hands, "Oh. I think I'm going crazy, my dear."

The king chuckles, "Of course not, my king."

It felt weird to be called that seeing as all this time he was calling the elf that, "Well," he pulls his coat on, "We better get to that conference, don't you think?"

Vaeril walks over and smiles but he can tell it's forced, "Well. I suppose it's now or never."

Felimid rolls the coat onto his arms as they walk out of the room. Thronal is there and winks before heading to grab the coach, "See you, boys, in a minute."

The human gives the advisor a smile, "Thank you, Thronal."

"You really don't like Oromir, do you?"

Vaeril groans, "I tried to deal with him before. He's just so stubborn."

Felimid, the leader of the royal guard and no longer a hired mercenary, smiles, "Me and his wife have been talking through letters..."

"Ah, yes, you told me about that! What's she like?"

"Much more level-headed than him. You know she's a human too?"

Vaeril laughs, "Maybe I and he do have something in common!"

"She's excited to meet us, especially you. Said she's been learning Elvish to speak with you."

"How sweet of her, I'll be sure to assist her. Oromir on the other hand."

"Coincidently she has a pretty big hold on him. I think we'll be able to get through this rather easily."

"Two things."

They reach the main doors and are about to exit before Felimid turns to his husband, "Two things?"

The king smirks and walks up to the man, "One. Fell in love with a human..."

"And two?"

"Being ever so helplessly in love with said human."

Felimid smiles, "Well, after you then, my love."

"Oh wait, Felimid!"

Asava ran up to him and smiled and handed him an opened letter, "Did you go through my mail again, Asava?"

He wasn't really mad and found it rather humorous, "What is it?"

"It's from your sister!"

Vaeril nods and the human opens it to skim through it, "Holy shit!"

A huge smile came onto his face, "I'm going to be an uncle!"

The elf chuckles, "Seriously? When?"

"In six months! I knew something was off when she didn't drink at the party a few weeks ago!"

Asava takes the letter back, "We can talk to her later. She's coming up tomorrow. Now hurry up."

Vaeril grabs his husband and drags him from the house.

Things were going to work out just fine. And they knew it would too.

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Hello. Thank you for reading! This means a lot to me and I couldn't thank you enough for joining me on this adventure. To future books and more to the series!

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